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Games just don't feel worth what they used to.
You might even suggest this is down to commericalisation on the game front. I mean, theres so many titles, consoles and console specific games on the market, you can't play them all. In the 90's you either had your computer, Sega or Nintendo to play with and even then they had a ton of games for it.

On the RTS matter, it's variating on who you buy from. Command and Conquer nowadays is a raped series so theres really nothing you want to buy there except the box set of the older titles (First Decade). AOE3 was a fun but somewhat weak game in terms of strategic positioning; you could only get 7 towers, cannon was hard to train and people of a higher home city just floundered you with troops they've had shipped in at the start. Also, WHY DON'T THEY SPEAK ENGLISH?! God, they make the effort of making the germans and russians sound as per usual, but then you turn to the british/american settlers who just say "Hiah?" "risht." "fourster" "fockusterre" "ewol" "Tilyerre". It makes no sense.

FPS, again varies. I recommend Call of duty, but only those from COD4 onwards, because they use the game engine from Call of Duty 4 which, it has to be said, is amazing. Another one for if you're a fan of FPS and RPG is S.T.A.L.K.E.R which is a hybrid of the two (See my Stalker thread for more details).

Sidescrollers: Fucking rock. thats all i can say. I actually loved sonic as a sidescroller so much, i gave up on the series after it became the 3D pile of fanfictionist mush that it is today. I mean honestly, who didn't love watching a cobalt blue hedgehog dashing accross grass, beating up robots and televisions in search for rings, emeralds and a fat man?

Puzzle games are sort of addictive, especially ZUMA. And if that isn't a one of a kinder, then i don't know what is; a frog that shoots coloured marbles to stop a skull from eating the marbles that are moving along a groove towards him.

So yeah...i'm sort of infected with this gamer depression too, but i find if i play some of the older titles it makes it more bearable to play the newer titles. Gives my gamer appitite some more variety then plain ol' bread and butter Call of Duty.
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RE: Games just don't feel worth what they used to. - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 06-30-2009, 06:43 PM