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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
After a while Casey started to come too as he let out a groan . As he sat up he felt like he had a wicked hang over and from what he thought was just a bad dream. He then took noticed of the female that was standing before him and grins some as he stared at her full bosom and then at her face, "Hey...Lisa...where are we?" he asked in a confused tone, speaking English. Unbeknown to the human he still had a link to his guyver unit and thus the ship as well. The ship heard his question as the control metal flared with light for a moment the ship became crystal clear showing the earth beneath them, the moon and even Silvia's Dawn star only a few miles away. He stared aw struck by the view. He looked around ship wondering technological this biological ship and to make it more impressive was the fact it was over several million years old. When he took notice of the dragoness he gasped some as he realized it was not Lisa but someone who looked just about like his coworker. He took noticed of the sword at her hips and gulped while he quickly backed away from her.

Then his eyes widen something about her looked familiar to him yet he couldn't place his finger on it. Then things start to fall into as he remembers that he is in the ship and that they are in space. He figures the person standing before him is a creator, a race of beings who created the human race. "I know this is your peoples ship but we thought it was a relic of a bygone era were studying it when it was uncovered by an earthquake," he stated in self defense, while he raised his arms above his head. "You may take your ship back if you wish," he said looking at the earth below him. He wanted to learn why the creator's created the human race more, "But may I go with you?" he asked nervously figuring that he would be be left behind on earth. He then motioned for her to take her rightful place at the ship's control metal where its central AI was stored. He shook his head in surprised as how he knew that, "How do I know know that it is similar to AI?" he asked himself out loud since was only linked with it for only a couple of minutes.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 06-30-2009, 03:05 PM