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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Mike smiled and stroked down her back, across her smooth as and down, parting her lips ever so slightly. "Does my pet like being stroked?" He asking teasingly as he repeated the process again and again.


"OK." Ren said, taking up behind Hunter. As she did she looked around slightly nervously. She could sense it to, an evil presence fallowing them. She wondered why it had not struck yet. Suddenly, as they were walking, she tripped a little, her foot striking some floating slimy bones. She yelped and dropped her torch into the slime, where it went out. "Shit." Was all she had time to say before something swam up behind her and quickly pulled her under the slime.


Mike was currently spanking a tied up Silvia, having her bent over his lap. She had her head hung in defeat as she whimpered and cried helplessly. She was going to break any moment now. Alex had never treated her so cruelly and with each unwanted attention that was payed to her she felt like she was betraying him more and more.

"Well that was quick!" Mike said brightly, dumping Silvia onto the ground unceremoniously. "And she is not even bound or unconscious! Well you must have some charisma." Grace raised her head and said "We are all civilized people here, there is no need for any one else to suffer. Please, Mike, stop this horrible game! Lovers should never be-""Blah blah blah, you get the gag later missy, now come over here and dont speak another word or your time will be that much more painful."

Grace looked stung but nodded and walked to him, standing next to him. "Haha! Perfect! OK, you know what Alex, Im going to overlook the fact that she is not naked and give you back your little slut. Go ahead, take her. I have a new toy." Mike rose and grabbed Grace roughly, turning her around and cuffing her hands behind her back. "Say goodbye to the princess Alex." Mike said as he began to lead the now cuffed Grace to a set of stairs.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 06-29-2009, 06:13 PM