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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Clones, having no souls, could not use the technique, at least not properly. And so it had to be Alex who used it. The only problem was actually using it. Kakashi was strong and very very fast. If Alex missed then it would take several moments before he could return to his body, giving Kakashi and guy more than enough time to shred him.

The battle of giants was not going well either. Boss toad simply used his water shot power to cool the lava as it spewed from the golem, further restricting its movements. It was only a matter of time before it fell.


"What do I want? Just your body, mind and soul my dear." Mike said with a laugh as another of the blue eggs began to make its way out of Ino, blasting her with pleasure as it did. "The plants sperm has fertilized all of your eggs, all of them. You will be pregnant for the better part of your teenage years now. But dont worry, it will all feel great. Not only that but you will not be alone. These seeds that you are laying will allow me to plant the same plant all over the village. Soon all the women in konoha will be like you. But I know how lonely it can get with no one being like you, so Sakura will be next."

Mike turned to Sakura and signaled for her to come closer. "Come here, or I will make you come here. If you resist then it will only get worse."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 06-29-2009, 04:44 PM