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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Outside the ship the Military personal was getting ready to approach the wrecked dropped pod that was next to the ancient relic of a spaceship. The bomb squad was ready to move out; also the rest of the base was ready in a matter of minutes. The Army assembled in a small fleet of humvees backed up by a singular tank and moved out to secure the ship
The unit didn't move as the dragoness jumped back as she fell to the ground. The suit took noticed as Silvia extended her diamond like claws. It watched as she then raked her dangerous claws across its chest. Yet as soon as they passed through the armor it began to heal just as quickly as the wound appeared. It was because of the Hyper Space Link a dimension that had near limitless amount of energy regenerate itself readily and use all of it weapons with unlimited use. The armor then bent it elbows as the sonic vibrating swords extend in both direction. The suit looked ready to fight as it took a stance with one foot forward ready to strike.
When the military neared the both the drop pod and the ship the saw that the bomb was not actually a bomb some sort of drop pod. They then saw the tracks of leading from the drop pod leading toward the ship. The military personal knew what they had to do as the aimed the tank turret at ship and the four javelins. They waited for the commander's order to fire. After a moment the General ordered the tank to fire a single round as a warning shot.
As the missile hit the ship it exploded causing massive damage as the ship shook violently yet because it was recently reactivated it quickly regenerated. The orbs on the side of the armor's head moved to the side as if focusing on something as listened to what was going on outside the ship. The armor realized what it had to do and lowered it arms as the blades retracted. A moment later the orbs the front of the face were the mouth should have been started to vibrate at high frequency causing an ear splitting sound that would leave most human unconscious, then the sound got to a high frequency knocking out the dragoness. As the armor stepped forward it turned toward the ships control metal.

Casey started to come to as he stumbled when he caught himself and stared at his hand then looked at his body. "Ugh... what happened to me," he screamed his voice augmented by the armor some. The suit helped him remain calm by controlling its host adrenaline levels. The ship's AI communicated with the warrior guyver showing a picture of space then an image of a regular guyver unit standing on the control pedestal and with a hand on the orb. The ship was struck with another missile, causing the hull to reverberate from the concussive force. The human didn't need another hint to try and fly the ship. He quickly hurried and got to the ships control medal. He placed his hand on the metal as his shown in the imaged he received. His own control metal extended out of his forehead as he became linked with the ship. He soon realized he his own consciousness was temporally part of the ship.

The ship showed him that it also need more energy so it could actually enter orbit around the earth. The Armor had then of it own accord opened a link from it to the ship. Then the armor started channeling power from the hyperspace link into the ship as volley of missiles hit the ship causing it shake violently this time, yet because of the link the ship was instantly healed unlike the other times. Soon the ship started to take off the ground shook as it rocketed off into the night sky. Soon another missile hit the ship as Casey was thrown away from the ships control metal. His link to the hyperspace dimension was severed, the suit went into twenty percent power mode the shoulder piece became rounded and the armor became a bit smaller as well. The ship was now in orbit around earth as Casey tried to stand up as he then stumbled while he fell face forward unconscious. The armor then opened up and left his body and shimmered for a moment as it went into a pocket dimension.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 06-26-2009, 05:26 AM