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Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully)
"Finding the swords will be the easy part. I already know where they are." Jo said, pushing his glasses up. "It is retrieving them that will be a little more difficult."

"Already know where they are?" Giro asked, not looking very surprised.

"My time exiled in the oceans of this world left me with so much free time, I've read so many tomes, archives and chronicles... You'd be surprised at the secrets the sea holds." Jo replied.

"Well, we wouldn't expect less from you, Jorm." Giro grinned at him. "So where are they?"

"The fifth sword is named Nothung, and is unobtainable. It holds the my brother's jaws open, the wolf destined to devour the all-father, Odin, Fenrisulfr." Jo said.

"WOAH- hold up- your BROTHER'S THE Lord Fenrir? God of Wolves!?" Giro exclaimed. "Then that must mean-"

"Yeah, Jo being 'Jormungandr' means he's the actual Jormungandr! The Midgard Serpent!" Ray chuckled.

"I thought that was just a recurring theme!" Giro rubbed the back of his head in awe. "I mean- I wow. Its not everyday you find out someone you know's a God-Killing Monster!" He laughed.

"We are NOT monsters!!" Jo yelled, suddenly losing composure as if the wolf had hit a nerve. "It was FOOLISH of the gods to exile and punish me, my brother, and sister because of a mere prophecy! We meant no harm! Do you have any idea how long I spent exiled at sea? Away from my family? THEY are the monsters Kiros, not us. Don't you EVER call me or any of my family monsters ever again."

The wolf was shocked at Jo's sudden outburst. He was always so calm and collected. "I'm sory Jorm. Go on."

"Ah-hrm..." Jo cleared his throat. "The fourth sword is also unobtainable. It is called Balmung, and it belongs to Siegfried, the hero of Asgard."

"Oooooh!" Ray cheered. "There's a character in Soul Calibur named Siegfried!"

"I care not of this Soul Caliber of which you speak!" Jo scolded Ray, and continued. "The third, second and first swords are what we are searching for, and they're absolutely obtainable. One of them is in the hands of your friend, Matt Fenris Sikado. The Nerodammerung. Another, the Ragnadammerung, is with Matt Zero. The last one..." He faced Giro, "Is with your brother, Zarjuno, the Nothudammerung. There was a new brother sword of these five called the Goterdammerung... and it is with a masked man whose name escapes me at the moment. These six swords are special, as they are the only swords of their kind. There cannot be more than six, and they all exist in different dimensions. For four of them to be in the same dimension as we are right now is just plain lucky, as their abilities cannot be replicated or recreated in any way."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-13-2009, 12:29 PM