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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Suddenly Mickal flickered into existence, appearing before her and smiling. "I can save you from your pain, but in exchange, you must become my pet." He smirked, keeping the pain down just enough to avoid a black out, but not enough to make her feel any better. "Become my slave or die in agony, it is your choice."


"It will be hard for her, but there is no one best suited to heal her than me! I will not let you rape her, use her like an item! She is more than a slave, more than an Item! She helped you find Silvia, she is a person, a person in pain! How can I let you take her Alex?! How?!" Angy did not back away even an inch, she was ready for him. "Did you intend on raping me to Alex? Why did you even tell me?!" Tears spilled from her eyes, her heart was breaking from this. She was torn and her heart hurt for Alex, Serenity and even Silvia, who would either be raped the rest of her life or rescued only to have the same fate.


"My mistake." Mike said with a disarming smile. "Im just here to get some eats and leave anyways, but I can wait until you are all done." He began to leave but then looked back at Grace. "See you later cutie." And he was gone. Grace blushed a little but said nothing more than "What an odd human...."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 06-06-2009, 04:38 PM