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Aint life just fucking grand?
Indeed this world does suck. Not only is it freikin hot everywhere (here in Washington it got to 86 degrees yesterday and it NEVER gets this high over here) although Washington's heat is nothing compared to Texas's I am still pissed off about that. Sorry to hear about your job and health insurance buddy, if you can try to find a lawyer and see if you can sue their asses if they do drop your health insurance. And I agree with the screaming to let out some steam but try not to do it cause its probably hot as hell, dry as a mother fucker, and plus you would get that shit in your lungs and get even more dehydrated and fall down like a bag of rocks that's got a heat stroke. Try building a dirt castle (joking) to let off some steam or just go on a squirrel killing rampage.
Only insane people think they are sane. And all the people who think they are sane, are in denial and you are deluding yourself in your insanity and only insane people are that delusional.
[Image: Khornee.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Aint life just fucking grand? - by Bee - 05-31-2009, 02:53 AM
RE: Aint life just fucking grand? - by Wisemon - 05-31-2009, 11:45 AM
RE: Aint life just fucking grand? - by Bee - 05-31-2009, 05:25 PM
RE: Aint life just fucking grand? - by Khorne - 06-05-2009, 06:39 AM