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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Silvia cursed as she yanked off the door of the drop pod and looked around. The humans had progressed much farther than they had anticipated. Still, her curses were silenced when she realized that she had landed right next to the target, the creator ship. She quickly scanned its surface for an opening to enter through and if she did not find one then she would make one.

quickly, she would attempt to rend open the hull of the old ship with her sheer might, which was not a far stretch since she was even more powerful than the normal warrior of her warrior people. Tearing her claws into the hull, she would either rip it open, make everyone inside of it know she was there, or both. Soon she found herself inside the ship and staring almost directly at the warrior Gyuver.

She braced immediately but the Gyuver didnt move, didnt even flinch. " it activated?" She wondered out loud as she approached the gyuver and tapped the core on its head with her claw. If nothing else happened she would simply shrug and attempt to hoist the thing out of the ship, and none to gently either, it was a warrior gyuver after all.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 06-05-2009, 04:15 AM