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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Casey was up late digging up a fossil remains of a zoaniod that was more in appearance of an Ankylosaur . He was carefully dusting off the head zoaniod he had named George. He continue to work he felt something was amiss as he got up and looked around he saw nothing out of the ordinary. He then turned around and faced the ancient bulbous like space ship that looked like a flower ready to bloom any second. Yet what actually caused him to stop in his tracks was a circular opening had appeared on the ship as if like magic. He stared at it wondering if he should go on in or wait and get everyone else on the dig team. He decided that he shouldn't wait what if he missed this chance to find out what it was like to be in an ancient spaceship. He walked toward the ship and stepped into the portal. It closed him inside and decontaminated him from any harmful pathogens.
Elsewhere where the Military had a small base to help keep prying eyes away from the newly uncovered space craft. As they installation checked they radar screen they saw a large bomb like like blip appeared on the screen. The commander was notified about the situation. The commander ordered to shot the missile down. The men headed out and locked on with six javelins. The commander had his men fire then at once. Three of the anti-air missiles where fired at the drop pod all three hit right on target. Yet because of the drop pad thicker armor plating it had changed trajectory and slowed it decent some from the impact of the javelins.
As Casey was decontaminated he realized the ship was a biologic entity in and of itself. He also noticed another door way open. He walked through it wondering around some down the winding corridor. He arrived at the interior room of the ship, there in center or the room was a large control metal the heart of the ship. Next to was the warrior guyver unit in it dormant form, Casey walked close and examined the device it looked similar to the ones in the cave paintings. He figured it had to be some sort of device that interacted freely with the ship sense both looked to be made of the same organic components. The control metal of the warrior guyver flashed some as if it still had powered after all these eons. The drop pod crashed near the Creator's ship causing it shake. Casey stumbled and his face made contact with the guyver unit and it saw him as viable host and bonded itself to his DNA. The young man felt tendrils of flowing in every part of his body and even forcing itself into his skin even. It was painful yet not at the same time it seemed at times it was happening to someone else instead of him. Soon the transformation was over and there stood the Warrior Guyver. Yet Casey was unconscious and so the guyver was in state of defense that all units were preprogrammed with in case of creator becoming unconscious.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 06-04-2009, 05:31 PM