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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Five million years ago the creators were looking for something they could turn into a living weapon to fight their wars. They found such a being on earth known to as cavemen and found them to viable living weapon. They genetically modified the for runners of the human civilization, taught them obey and the ways of war. They also made humans into Zoaniods a being able to transform into monster of great strength and power. They also created Zoalords that were more powerful than the Zoaniods and able to control them while on the field of battle. Yet one day a human accidentally activated one of the Creator's space suits unit. It enhanced his physical strength greatly making him twenty times stronger, and weapons of mass destruction were created on the suit. To make matters worse the Creators could not mentally control the human any longer. They used a remover on the rogue human, they called her a guyver since in their language it meant out of control. The creator's soon left the earth realizing that if a zoinod or even worse case scenario Zoalord got a hold of guyver unit then all hope could be lost for the solar system.

Two and have million years later a lone Creator ship landed on the planet Earth in what later would be known as Great Desert Basin. The Creator's name was Solom, he was a brilliant being and was there when the the first and only guyver incident happened. He had created another type of guyver this one much more powerful it was supposed to give a creator the same about of power as human equipped with one without the nasty side effect of going berserk supposedly. He called it a warrior guyver. He also tried to make it were a creator could only activate the unit. Yet an active volcano erupted near the ship engulfing it in lava, causing the inside of the ship over heat and kill the creator within.
Casey was a young archaeologist 24 years old. He was just a average guy except for when it it came to archeology. He was one of the best in his field in understanding prehistoric eras. He was saying how some of the fossil's recently that weren't human in origins yet were about the same size and similar structure. He came up with a radical new theory that aliens had something to do with the evolution of humanity from turning neolithic cavemen to humans of today. About six months after the paper was written he got a message from the military they wanted him to get a team of archaeologist together to unearth large object that was in Nevada in the Great Desert Basin. As he read he found out there would be the utmost secrecy and realized what they were digging up was something that had to do with his theory about aliens have a hand in changing human into a weapon for war.

A year later in the north western part of Nevada they started unearthing a space ship not just any type of ship. As they unearthed the ship they found similar bones of being that were humanoids it seem like the aliens did have a hand in human evolution and they also discovered some art made by early man showing transformation scenes and another strange beings it looked like a person wearing a space with a large object in their forehead. Casey assumed that was just the aliens with some sort of object to control early man.

Finally the started unearthing the ship itself. As they examine it ti seemed to be alive as some people would say the felt a vibration once in a while. Soon the brought in a powerful drill to try and bore a hole into the ship. As they try to bore a hole the ship structure changed as the drill approached hundred times tougher than the drill easily breaking the entire drill bit. Soon they tried experimental plasma torches and still no luck on breaching the hail of the space ship.

One day there was terrible earth quake in the area and to make matters worse the ship was on a volcanic fault line as magma oozed slowly towards the surface the alien craft started to absorb it and started to power up soon. Within a day it had enough power to send a emergency signal to the home planet explaining what the rogue scientist Solom has done he had created warrior guyver unit and was going to test it out on himself and gauge his it powers against a human who had just a normal guyver on it.

The creator's home world panic when they finally got the emergency message because of a human the warrior unit was bad yet a zoaniod or even a zoalord would be a thousand times worse if humanity still existed. Yet then the creator's remembered that it had been over 2.5 million years d years since Solom made his experimental unit so figured that humanity may no longer around yet they decided not to take the chance and they hired mercenaries a planet full that was full of warriors just in case humanity still survived throughout the ages.
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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake? - by Casey the furry one - 06-01-2009, 05:36 PM