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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"Just now Im guessing." the warlock said. "She is not a flower or delicate plant. She will not die, though she may suffer. But her suffering is the price to pay for your pleasure, it is a bargain! Think like a Saxon my lord, she can be all yours with minimal damage to her if you will but give the word. I can mind wipe her, change her. Or if you want her to still be Grace then I can change her memories and feelings, tamper with her mind a little. Or you could just force yourself upon her. I can increase the potency of your pheromones to the point that she will be helpless and powerless to stop you, unable to resist you."


Angy nodded and snuck away for a second to change. She the picked the fair up and wrapped her in the sheets she was sleeping in. Serenity moaned and woke up a little. "Mas...ter?" She moaned silently, her eyes only half open. Angy shushed her gently and cradled her. "We will have to go together and take her with us...she may not last much longer."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 06-01-2009, 03:31 PM