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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Angy blushed and was well aware of how she looked. Still she stayed around long enough for him to get dry and to tell his story before taking the towel herself and using it as cover. "Thats terrible..." Angy said at last. Serenity stirred but did not wake up and Angy frowned. "She is not doing very well...who ever her last "master" was, didnt care very much about her at all. She is very weak, her heart is hardly beating, and I am unfamiliar with fairy physiology so Im not sure I could bring her back to life if she died, or even how I would keep her alive if I did....there are just somethings I cant fix."


Mickal shook his head and then looked at Hunter seriously. "She could be yours right now if you would simply allow my methods. Why you are so insistent on getting her to "love" you. Lord, instant love only happens in fairy tales. If this did not do it then it will take months of happy laughter and warm moments to achieve that least. And that is only if things go exceedingly well!"

Mickal shook his head once more and added "You can not get her to love you in this tavern and you can not have a relationship with her in our world other than that of a slave. Her people would never allow it."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 06-01-2009, 12:56 PM