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Lost Digidestined: Sora's Lost Love (WIP)
Notemon: -12345- - Thoughts
--------------------------------------------------- - Scene change

Chapter 2: The Search

-Outside Kesroth Ruins-

Outside the castle ruins, Tai, Matt and Izzy were just exiting from the main entrance, Agumon, Tentomon and Gabumon following, where across from it is the camp. Joe, Mimi, T.K. and their Digimon along with Biyomon were still asleep, the campfire providing moderate light to see in the night.

"I'll need to come back here later to study this place more." Izzy said as he sets his backpack down with the other three. "At least I know no Digimon lives here or something would have came up on my monitor."

"If anything could live here..." Matt said, sitting down on a log near the fire.

"Sure was creepy though. The place looked like it could fall anytime." Gabumon added. Tai and Agumon sat down next to the other two on the next log over.

"I wonder why there were a lot of dragon-like statues there?" Tai said, poking a stick he found in the ruins at the fire.

Izzy looked toward Tai. "Not all the statues in there were dragons you know." Izzy tossed two rice balls to Tai and two to Matt, also taking two out for himself and Tentomon. The orange and blue Digimon began to devouring theirs, Tentomon following right behind them. "While we were separated, I came across the throne room and it had a giant statue of a Phoenix in the center of it."

Tentomon almost choked on his food in surprise. "What.. did you say Izzy?" Tentomon said, a small trace of fear in his voice.

"A Phoenix Statue. Are you ok Tentomon?" Izzy asks his spooked partner.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just remembered a story I was told about a Phoenix but... It was mainly used to keep In-Training Digimon at bay." Tentomon said with a shiver.

"Must've been quite a story..." Izzy commented.

Suddenly a blinding, white light shot out from the western portion of the castle, blinding the group.

"What the---" Matt shouts out, just as surprised as the rest of them as Tai, Izzy, Matt, Agumon, Tentomon and Gabumon raised their arms and hands over their eyes. Even from behind the light was just as bright as if it was in front of them. After a moment the light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and everyone regained their sight. The light had also woke up the others. Mimi was first to awaken.

"I was having such a good dream too..." She looks over to the campfire and sees her fellow Digidestined by the fire, looking like they just woke up. "Hey guys." Mimi greeted them as she stretched her tired limbs as Palmon did the same. Joe, Gomamon, T.K. and Patamon got up too.

"Find anything there Izzy?" Joe asks Izzy, who blinked a couple of times.

Izzy looks at the others in surprise. "You didn't just get blinded by a bright light a moment ago?" They said no. Something caught T.K.'s eye toward the castle.

"There's a light over there." T.K. said, pointing to what he thought was the source. Everyone looked to where the young boy was pointing at and saw a white glow towards the west part, near a tower.

"Did anyone search there?" Tai asked Matt and Izzy. They shook their heads, but Biyomon spoke up.

"Has anyone seen Sora?" The pink bird asks the group. Fearing the worst, everyone quickly gathered their Digivices and backpacks, running back towards the castle's main door.


The Digidestined entered the castle ruins. Izzy takes out his laptop and opens the file of the map data that he obtained on the first trip. It only led to the Phoenix Room and to two storage rooms one on the east end and another on the west end, so it didn't have much info at all of the western side. Although the map portion was blank, a faint blip was detected a short distance away from the six clustered signals, not too far away from where Tai was searching from on the first trip.

"I can't pinpoint her exact location from here, but it seems that..." Izzy looks up from his laptop to see the group heading toward a corridor to the left.

"Hey-- Don't leave us behind!" Izzy and Tentomon called out to the others.

"We need to hurry! If we wait on Izzy's explanations, something might happen to her!" Tai shouts out as he ran on ahead.

"Wait for me!" Agumon yells out to Tai, chasing after him.

"Don't you mean 'Wait for us' ?" Gomamon said to Agumon.


As they passed through the corridor the first ones that visited noticed that this side was similar to the other, except that it was decorated with tattered black and gold dragon tapestries along the ceiling and four mid-sized wicked-looking dragon statues, poised to strike at the center of the corridor, one at each wall. Four rotting tables were placed between the dragons and the openings, while a long one was in front of another passage. Izzy quickly caught up with the group and got in front of them.

"Do you want to find her or not... Where's Tai?" Izzy asked, not noticing the 'fearless leader.'

"He ran this way." Matt said, him and Gabumon walking to the right-side corridor. When they looked in there, Tai and Agumon looked like statues. Matt thought this was another trick of his and started walking toward them, shaking his head.

"WAIT!!" Gabumon cries out. He rushes to Matt and pulls him back before he could enter the corridor. Matt didn't notice at first, but Tai and his partner had icicles on them. Izzy stood next to Matt with his laptop, examining the corridor.

"It seems like this room has the ability to change it's temperature from cold to warm to hot on it's own. Interesting..." Izzy said to the group.

"I'm cold just from standing here..." Palmon said from behind Mimi.

"Nevermind that, how are we going to get those two out of there!?" Matt shouts at Izzy.

"Don't shout at me, just wait a moment." Izzy said to him. Just like Izzy said, the corridor went back to normal. Tai slowly turned around to the group, shivering.

"T...That was... co... cold..." Tai shuddered, rubbing his arms.

"You wanted to rush recklessly further on Tai. I was only trying to explain that it is---"

"Izzy." Tentomon tried to get his attention.

"---dangerous to travel separately. Any one of us could fall---"

"Izzy!" Tentomon tried again to get his partner's attention.

"---into any of the traps on this side."


"What?" Izzy said, a bit frustrated that he was interrupted again.

"They’re leaving us again..." Tentomon said as he pointed further down to the light source, T.K. and Patamon walking behind the party.

"I got to quit doing this..." Izzy said as they caught up to their friends.

"Sora..." Biyomon said to herself. "Where are you..."


The Digidestined followed a faint glow coming from another corridor connecting to the changing one. This room was similar to the first corridor they had entered. Old dragon tapestries lined the walls, a lit torch between each one. Dragon statues were positioned at all four corners of the room and the centers of the room, resembling the pictures on the tapestries. From the statues design, they seemed to be aimed to strike at whatever was in the center.

Tai was the first one to reach the room, followed by Agumon, and immediately saw someone inside the room.

"Sora... GUYS!! I found her!" Tai shouts as he ran to the figure in the center, ignoring his surroundings. It was indeed Sora, laying on the cold floor, asleep. She moaned out as if she were having a nightmare, her body shaking. The other Digidestined rushed into the room, to Tai and Sora, Biyomon running to her side.

"What happened to her?" Biyomon asks Izzy, laptop at the ready.

"Doesn't look like anything has happened to her, other than that I can't say. There are too many new things around us to have an accurate reading--"

"Tai!! Everyone! Watch out!" Agumon shouts out and jumps in front of the party in his attack stance. They look ahead and see a Digimon in front of them, in the shadows of one of the statues. It stuck it's head out from the shadow, it's feathers shone a dull gold, eyes shivering, and most noticeable, an iron ring around her beak. Biyomon steps up to Agumon.

"Wait! She's just scared." Biyomon said to her friend. He backs down as Biyomon continues to look at the new Biyomon. Izzy already was analyzing the digimon.

"There's no info on this digimon?"

-Of course... There wouldn' there.-

Everyone heard this voice inside their heads at all at once. It came from the direction of the Golden Biyomon, her eyes half-opened and swaying a little.

"Was that you--"

-My She fell to the floor, out like a light. Sora's Biyomon turns back to face the others.

"What now Izzy, can we at least move her out of this castle?" Tai asks Izzy.

"Yes it would be a good idea to leave this place." Izzy agrees. "Let's bring that Biyomon with us. This place is far to dangerous for a digimon to live here alone." Everyone got into action, except for Joe, Mimi, T.K. and Gomamon.

"I've been feeling uneasy ever since we entered this place." Joe said aloud as Tai and Izzy lifted Sora up by her arms and proceeds to the exit. Matt went on ahead to make sure the coast was clear.

"Yeah." Mimi and T.K. both agree. Palmon coils her vines around the golden Biyomon and carries her with Tentomon, Patamon, Agumon, Biyomon and Gabumon's help, following Tai, Sora and Matt.

"Sure is heaver than she looks..." Palmon pointed out.


After the last one left, another figure appeared as if he took off a dark shroud. The red eyes inside it's rusted helmet looked towards the entrance to the Dragon room.

"Thou may have escaped me once..." The ZombieKnightmon said. "Don't think I cannot find you again." He snapped/clanged his rusty fingers and darkness fell in the room as the torchlight ceased to be.


End of Chapter 2
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lost Digidestined: Sora's Lost Love (WIP) - by Chaotic Phoenix - 05-31-2009, 11:11 PM