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Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully)
The following were notes found at an abandoned room in moonlight city, these were believed to have belonged to an assassain. The third target (Sean Temple) dissapeared 3 days prior to the discovery of these notes.

Name: Silverfang Grizzlywing A.K.A Fluffy
Age: unknown
Species: Lycanthrope, unknown origin.
Height: 12ft
Description: Silverfang is a large grey haired werewolf. He has two large demonic wings on his back that symbolises his fall from grace into a werewolf. He wears spiked pads on his shoulders and knees along with fingerless spiked gauntlets. He wears a belt designed t5o hold his sword up. He often walks hunched bent at the knees and the neck masking his height at about 8ft, mostly so he can fit in the doors.
Weapons: broadsword 6ft in length.
Notes: Extreme upper body strength due to wing muscles, 12ft reach with sword. Known warrior, excels in close and hand to hand combat. assassinate from a distance. Known weaknesses; strong, foul odours (smoke?) overwhelming sense of pride; Loyal, friends may make a target; dog treats.
Verdict:Class A threat, destroy upon sight.

Name: Ghostiemon
Age: Unknown
Type: In-training spirit form.
Height: 1ft
Description: A small and annoying spectral digimon. He is a pale semi-transparent blob of a digimon.
Attacks: Ghost headbutt; The user phases through an enemy becoming solid upon entry, this creates pressure on vital organs causing immense pain to victims. (All digimon above champion are immune.)
Ectoplasmic shield; Available to block small projectiles and weaken the force of other attacks, takes the form of a gooey green shield.
Notes: Annoying, unusual strength for in-training, extremely low intelligence, higher forms based around knowledge as oppposed to power. Unable to digivolve without a partner. No known exorcism is known to work. Weakness, subject has a fierce obbsession with food, popcorn however seems to dominate.
Verdict: Class b threat; assassination within ten days.

Name: Sean Temple
Age: 16
Species: Human
Height: 6ft 2"
Description: Tall lean build, often dresses in light clothing (T-shirts, track pants, trainers.) and darker colours. Known associate of Silverfang and partner to Ghostiemon.
Weapon: 4ft sword (inexperienced user.)
Notes: Often in company of powerful friends. Enables Ghostiemon to evolve to mega. Under protection of Silverfang. Keeps Ghostiemon and silverfang on even terms. Remove and primary targets are left vunerable and confused
Verdict: Class A threat, dispose of immediately
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adventures of the Worlds (ADaD Revive... hopefully) - by Ghostiemon - 05-28-2009, 10:28 AM