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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Hinata blushed supremely hard and looked away, holding her face in her hands as she tried to keep from passing out again. She was so very happy now, so so happy. She was also very embarrassed, she did not think she was the most beautiful girl in konoha, but the sentiment meant allot.

Suddenly a clone came in and said "Alex sir, Sakura has woken up. What should we do with her?" Outside, a small, frightened pink haired girl whimpered as clones of the man who had tortured her to near insanity circled her and stroked her body at random intervals, making her curl up and then fall out of the hammock into the sand bellow, where she curled up into as little a ball as possible and tried to bear through the touching and groping she was receiving


The plant was not going anywhere, and it answered her cries with hard suction and the swelling of its phallic shaped head as it to reached near its orgasm. This was the part that Mike wanted to see, what really made Ino a Gunie pig. Conquering all of konoha would be hard enough if he had to do it solely on ninja techniques, and he really did not feel like having his ass kicked.

So he sat, he watched, and he waited, sitting in a chair near the bed, pulling Hinata onto his lap and massaging her breasts absentmindedly as he watched the screen above them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 05-18-2009, 09:32 PM