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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"If he wakes up, if he moves, you have my permission to use the Pain of Eternity jutsu to it's highest strength, understood?" Alex said, and five clones nodded and watched Sauske, each of them knowing the the danger and the skill this warrior had.

Alex then looked at his other clones and saw they had already cleaned the wreackage of his first shed, and made a replacement. "Sir, I think you'll like it greatly. We improved it alot! It's bigger! Fireproof, incredibly strong, and connected to the ground so well even Tsunade would have a slightly difficult time destroying it!" one clone said.

"It looks the same," Alex commented.

"Looks can be decieving, sir," the clone said as Alex and Hinata walked into the shed. Inside they found a trapdoor, and when Alex opened it and jumped down he saw the inside of a fancy, and stunning mansion. There were beautiful statues and portraits of varius Naruto girls, from Sakura, Tsunade, Hinata and more. He also noticed that many portraits and statues were of Tsunade and Hinata, Alex's personal favorites. "...Impressive," Alex said as he looked around the beautiful home. He then smiled and pointed at a potrait. "Hinata, look."

To the most beautiful woman in Konaha
, the words at the bottom of the potrait announced, as Alex and Hinata stared at a beautiful portrait of Hinata Hyuuga. May her beauty, love, kindness, and soul be with us forever


"Yes, oh god, yes. Harder, faster," Ino moaned, the toxins filling her body and clouding her mind as her tits were sucked and her clothes taken off. "Harder...faster...more!" she begged as she was on the verge of cumming already.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 05-18-2009, 08:09 AM