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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Just after Alex yelled for help, Sauske responded with another fire jutsu, blasting the tent with a huge ball of fire that utterly immolated the entire thing. "No one will help you now." Sauske said, having yet to withdraw his sword from Alex's shoulder. "Surrender and no more harm will come to you. Lord Orochimaru merely wishes to speak with you."


"Good, good." Mike said, petting Hinata's ass as he spoke. "Now then...I have two Konoha girls in my possession. Two more to go." Thinking hard, Mike tried to think of who would be next to fall into his possession. Since Hinata and Sakura and Hinata's entire group never made it to the games, then that would mean Ino would be fighting someone else. Who ever it was, Mike was sure she would lose, or had lost already.

Snapping his fingers, he released Sakura's bonds. "You two stay here and play while im away. If you leave this room, I will know instantly and more pain that you can imagine will be projected into you. You have been warned." After that, he left the room, clothing himself as he did. First he would pay the medical ward a visit, to see if she was out yet. If not then he would go to the arena disguised as a medical ninja, and summon a clone to act as another and wait for Ino's K.O.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 05-18-2009, 03:48 AM