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My First Lemon--BlackWarGreymon, The Immortal
please note, that in this series, BlackWar is Immortal through NATURAL CAUSES-- should he be attack and slain, thats the only way he can actually die..just to clarify that...

this lemon is a little old..ive had alot of stuff going on and havent had a chance to post >_>

i hope you guys like it ^_^

Its BlackWargy and Growlmon Yaoi Lemon... so..if you dun oike...SHOOO >_>

as usual i dont own any of this--blah blah b lah-- you get the point...and if your 18, please dont read..i really dont care, im only 14 myself. just so long as your not like, some elementary school pervert x_X

BlackWarGreymon awoke in the dim gray light of early morning twilight… A tingle ran down his spine as he removed the covers from his nude body and stepped out of his bed. His armor lay in a heap in a corner near his bed. He walked to the mouth of his cave-home, and looked outside. Down the long stretch of empty grassland and meadow the heads of nocturnal digimon could be seen finding their nesting places to sleep through the day. BlackWarGreymon still felt a strange sensation running through his body. He Pulled on his heavy armor and walked back to the furthest reaches of the cave. In human time a year had passed since the troubles in the digital world had ended, and the three chosen children and their friends closed as many of the gates to the human world as they could. Even so some portals remained, and guardians were selected to prevent these from being abused… BlackWarGreymon was one of these… The children had selected him to guard the largest one, which lied in the room he now stood. A large seam, tear-like looking rift in time and space stood before him… He was careful never to touch it.. It was very dangerous… He had no want to go to the human world… He would only looked upon more as a freak than he was here. Since his defeat by the second set of Chosen Children he had been revived somehow… A real digimon; no longer made of the dark control spires. He was immortal though. Doomed to see through till the digital world was destroyed by some force more powerful than his own… He walked back to the mouth of the cave as the sun began to rise.Yet suddenly the tingling was stronger… Pulling him back to the room he was in. He fought with all his might yet nothing could stop this awesome pull of some strange force.. He saw a bright flash, a burst of red flames, and blacked out…

He awoke with his head pounding. He was dizzy and it hurt to move… He let his head clear and looked around.. What he saw surprised him; to his right lied a large, flaming red digimon. He supposed this was the flame he had supposedly seen in flash. After closer inspection he saw it was a Growlmon, and one of the chosen digimon as well! He shook the muscular digimon and stared at his body… He was obviously somewhat young… He had a large handsome face, and bulging muscles, just slightly smaller than his own. He stroked the big red digimon’s arms unwittingly. As growlmon came to he checked himself and stopped.. “No..” he thought to himself “I could never replace flamedramon. Why was I cursed with immortality…”
Growlmon sat up and stared rather blankly at his surroundings. He noticed BlackWarGreymon and stood up, only to fall again.
“Well.Your obviously one the chosen digimon.. Why don’t you explain what’s going on. I’m a bit confused as why you’re laying in my house.” Growlmon stood up “ Well.. a dark digimon had entered the human world.. Takato and I decided we’d handle it alone…It wasn’t a very powerful digimon.. I don’t even know what it was… Just as I delivered the final blow, I tripped. I crashed into a large tree.. Then I was here” BlackWarGreymon could tell from his visits by the chosen children and digimon that guilmon was much smarter in his growlmon form. He looked and saw his leg was injured. “Well. Its obvious your hurt. Spend a day or two here. Time is different between the two worlds so only a few hours should pass over there.” Before growlmon could refuse BlackWarGreymon did something very unlike himself… He pulled the flame dragon up onto his legs and helped him to his bed. He then examined his leg and saw very strange sight. The leg itself was oozing a strange shiny black type of pus, and the sight made BlackWarGreymon wonder what was really wrong with his new friend.. he decided not to worry him and instead said “Stay here a few days and your leg should heal. In the meantime don’t expect me to wait on you hand and foot. I MAY be trying to help you here, but I am NOT going to be your servant! Also you will sleep on the floor tonight. Its my bed after all…” Growlmon chuckled absentmindedly as he took in his surroundings.. He smiled.. Maybe he could enjoy this after all.. BlackWarGreymon was rather hot…

Days passed and a new trouble arrived.. Growlmon could not de-digivolve! They tried many medicines but nothing helped the dragon… And not only that but BlackWarGreymon was finding it increasingly hard to live with Growlmon… He seemed to become cuter every day, and it was all he could to to keep from getting attached to him… One night BlackWarGreymon awoke with an erection. His full length was exposed as he rolled out from his thin layer of bedding. He rolled, careful to hide his cock, and checked if growlmon was asleep. His breathing came in heavy breaths so he guessed he was out for count…
He slipped into a spare room and sat down on a bench near the wall. He glanced around just to be safe.
He grabbed his cock with his right hand slowly began to pump the un-circumsized head. He played with his large balls filled with seed, so rarely used, ready to fill something with the life bringing fluid. He began to pump his 12’ inch boner faster, and faster, as images of his old mate flashed through his head. He moaned “Oh…. Flaaaaamedramon…” Memories of his mate filled his mind as he pumped harder, and harder. He grunted in ecstasy as he neared orgasm. “heh. I thought I’d find you here.” BlackWarGreymon stopped and jerked open his eyes. Growlmon stared at him through his handsome face. BlackWarGreymon opened his mouth to apologize, but didn’t get the chance. Growlmon took the opening and locked BlackWarGreymon in a passionate kiss. BlackWarGreymon felt a tongue rolling around in his mouth. He was a little surprised, but more so aroused beyond belief. He pushed his tongue into Gowlmon’s mouth and kissed back, enjoying Growlmon’s embrace. His new partner broke this and smiled at him. “ I heard you moaning and grunting in here so I though id come help.. to repay you for all you’ve done” He licked out his tongue and brushed it across BlackWarGreymon cock head, and teased his balls with one hand. BlackWarGreymon moaned at the treatment; he hadn’t done this in so many years… Growlmon engulfed his cock and bobbed his head up and down, working his tongue around the shaft of his new lover’s sensitive dick. BlackWarGreymon pushed his hips and humped further into Growlmons mouth. He groaned. He was so close… So close to his orgasm.
He fought it, but he came anyway. He yelled as he cummed into another’s mouth for the first time in many generations. “AAAaaAaAaaaahhhhHHHh…” His cum gushed into Growlmons mouth. He swallowed as much as he could but it overflowed from his mouth, and went sliding down BlackWarGreymon’s now wilting penis. Growlmon gave a small lick against BlackWarGreymon’s cheek. BlackWarGreymon smiled…
“ I like the way you say Thank You”

Authors Notes-

This story was inspired by the fact I love BWG. Hes my fav digi there is lol, and just SO god damn hot…
It was meant to be a quickie, more for the sex than the plot, unlike most of my stories.. I just wanted to actually have one that wasn’t 5 parts long like most of my unfished and un uploaded works are.
I hope you enjoyed it

I love to get feedback, leave a comment on the site for me XD

P.S. This is the first lemon I have ever uploaded. I’m still learning to write in the form most lemon writers use. At least I use paragraphs now!! lol


The next part has been finished..i just gotta find it on my other pc and send it in >_>
BWG gets reunited with an old friend…sort of…ok no more hints :P

Oh and before I forget….

I am the evil hobo who lives in a box currently rolling down ur local highway.
PH33R M3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
My First Lemon--BlackWarGreymon, The Immortal - by LuPik - 07-31-2004, 10:55 AM
[No subject] - by Blackwargreymon Lover - 08-01-2004, 10:25 AM