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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Hmm....So that is how you want to play, huh? Very well. Perhaps more extreme measures are to be taken..." Alex smiled, and suddenly began making hand motions. "I call this the Pain of Eternity Jutsu. It has a relative Jutsu, the Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu. That's what I used to make Hinata mine. The Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu gives who ever it hits amazing sexual pleasure, while the Pain of Eternity...causes the worst pain possible, times a billion!" he yelled as he finished his hands signals.

That's when Sakura could feel it. Hands reaching into her stomach, and ripping her flesh open, knives cutting away at her limbs slowly, not killing her, but causing pain. Sharp needles digging into her eye balls, her every hair plucked out, her tongue being impaled by a needle, nails being shot into her every toe, every finger, her nails being plucked off, her mouth forced open and every teeth being ripped out as her tongue was then slowly cut off, her clit bitten by a mad beast, before being ripped off, and a large katana being stuffed into her pussy, kiling her insides as a large club with spikes was forced up her ass, tearing at her insides. Then to finish it all up, she felt a burning hot lava being poured into her throat, it burned her organs, but yet she lived. Even when it all ended, she lived.

Even when it all ended, and she realized all of it was in her head, but felt so real. Even when she felt it happen all over again.

((Wow....Normally I'd feel guilty for being so mean, but....nope. Nothing.

Alex: So, how do you like that? Who says I'm not a true rapist?))


Hinata did as she was told and stopped cutting. "I have always dreamed of this, Sakura," Hinata whispered, and kissed her once more. "Making love to you, not Naruto. So many nights I was alone, fingering myself as I thought of you. Your pink hair, your small beautiful tits," she whispered and rubbed her own breasts and clit before Sakura.

"Hinata...What's gotten into you?! You're crazy!" Sakura screamed in fear and continued to struggle. "Please, stop this madness! I won't tell anyone if you just free me now!"

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 05-03-2009, 03:07 PM