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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp
Kaze continued to go on the rampage, he continued to growled until palace tumbled down. Linvar had no choice, she sang holy song that everyone could hear it.
"Louvem! Madrugada
Alma bela, dança da terra
Ó sintam, o vendaval da coragem
Transbordem, leite da terra
Beijo do céu, chuva do rejubilo
uma semente peguena, desejo
grande grande grande...
Cultivem, um caminho novo caminho
Festejem, Ceifem, um milhão
De espigas, as espigas do destino
Cantem, a nossa canção
Transmitam, canção do povo
Força cordial porta da esperança..."

Kaze suddenly stopped, he growled and instantly he turned into his warrucho form*his chibi form and dropped on Linvar's head, "Fu fu fu...." He groaned in agony. Linvar quickly finds Horoka and takes him by the hand and jumped inside the portal, as well a couple of others*Crystal, Gryphon, Bigfoot, and Blazeadragon*.

Livian grunted in pain, healing herself before standing in Christoph's way again. "Why are you letting the undead control you? Do you really wanted the dark people to win?" She continued to persist him, knowing she would risk herself becoming a vampire but, she wanted to show him something that love conquers darkness. "You probably may not care how I am...maybe nobody does when I was young. I was thrown rocks at when I was little, even been chased. But I was never alone...especially with Gairunn...and your not alone..."
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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by tigerlily - 05-02-2009, 04:47 AM