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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp

The Blood dragon's eyes turned from the Girl to Kaze, "Not of my brood...." he hissed out, acidic saliva dripped from his mouth starting to melt holes in the floor below, a bright light shown out, The Crystal of Life was visible, its hiding place below the palace revealed. The Dragon knew instantly what the Orb would do should it be used for good, its crimson blood soaked claw dashed down and ripped it from the floor.


The Crystal, a cruel laugh escaped his lips "That the Korla their Magical abilities....Utaskashi.......smash it" The Old King said, another laugh escaping his throat as the shards of the Crystal fell to the ground, an earthquake seemed to shake the palace and screams came from all around.

~Korla Empire~

The magical barrers that held Krail's demons at bay were failing.

"Quan the demons are pushing through! The Elite Magi have lost all their powers! There is something wrong" One Guard said, large demons suddenly plowed through the walls, their fangs dripping with the same Acidic saliva that the dragon's did.

"Skin Korla alive! Leave none! KIll all!" It cried out, its Hellfire plade ripping through the flesh of one of the Elite Defenders.


"Mother....Mother whats happening..?" A small child asked, he was scared there were screams....and fire..... and already he could smell death in the air, "mother we have to leave..." he said shaking her.

"Nay..... Its over m'son. The end has come." She whispered and grabbed her son holding him close as their house caved in from the Large Winged Demons that were now ripping the empire apart from the inside.


"Hienra.... it was foolish to let her use Magic the way she did.... she caused the palace to fall... yes..... animated the armor.... her study in the arts caused most of this.... Sakaro betrayed us because of Hienra's discovery of the 'Zazuto' ....The Book of the dead. The Necronomicon as it is called.... it was her...." The Old king said.

~Flash Back~

"Hienra?" Christoph's voice echoed through the empty palace halls, he was searching for his wife, she was expecting a Child soon she shouldn't be wandering around the palace unattended, "Hienra where are you." he said finally entering the Alchemist chamber to discover her there, a large black book set on the table.

"Lord Christoph, Lady Hienra is just looking for a way to counter the Undead using the Zazuto." Sakaro said, the Holy Knight smiling, his blond hair and emerald eyes. True he was a human but still one of the few skilled and magical humans in Tremear.

"Hienra.... Your using the Zazuto? Thats dangerous you coul...." The King was talking, an explosion occured in the Lab, black magic flew from the book and into Sakaro's body, the walls of the palace started to crumble, "Run Hienra!" he said quickly watching his wife take flee. "Sakaro are you..."

The Noble human was gone, His armor glowed and transformed, From the beautiful Sapphire and Gold to a Black and Blood Ruby, "Christoph...." he muttered, he lifted his blade and cut a deep gash into the kings chest, "Die." he said, his new dark powers forced him out of the window, the Magic having taken full control of his mind.

~An Hour Later~

"H-h-ienra..." Christoph muttered, he had almost made it out of hte palace as the rooms callapsed, the Old Palace had fallen and buried Christoph inside it, his wound to great and the first Undead Venom stopping him from using his magic, instantly he died in the rubble.......

~End Flash Back~

"You wish to see Linvar..." Christoph said, his eyes shimmered, none of his original personality seemed to faze through the Corpse, his hand rose and a black beam shot and struck Linvar, and she saw what had Transpired. ((The Flash Back))


"urg...r-run...Ke...kero....its....gone......." The King muttered, he coughed out blood.


"We must leave the palace we cannot win this battle!" The Half-Demon said and moved quickly once more retrieving the King before the Dracolich could breath its toxic breath, "Crystal lets go!" He said and ran down the hall to the main room freezing in place when he noticed Utaskashi.
Beauty is like a rose... when it blooms one sees it as perfect... yet as it ages, it withers... and once a rose has withered... who wants to keep it around?

[Image: 2mzldw1.jpg]
My Fursona.
The Sabre Clan

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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by Kubari - 05-02-2009, 02:12 AM