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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp
~The Battle~

Only the troops hit by Crystals holy light stayed down, the rest started to put themselves back together, their clotted Rotten blood black splashed and squished beneth them as they rose and started to move towards her again.

"Behind you Crystal!" A voice called, a flash of red and the swarming undead behind her turned to ash, Jarod has saved the girl, "Watch them, only raw magic can destroy them!" he said and gasped for breath as a skeletal blade pushed through his back and stomach.


"Behind you Crystal!" he called, he had started to channel a Fire Wave, but since she was in the way he transformed into a Nova, the Energy turning the Rotten Dead to ash, He had saved her, "Watch them, only raw magic can destroy them!" he said and gasped for breath as a skeletal blade pushed through his back and stomach. Jarod thought as his body slump to the floor, the Venom of their Blades taking effect on his body, it hurt....but the Venom kept him alive....the Undead loved to torture their Victims if they are Important people.


"Oh poor poor Jarod....he turned his back to save the little angel and now he will die...." The Death Knight muttered, the Roar of the Dracolich echoed through the hall as the Wall in another room was smashed by it, black fire shot through a Door and its Skeletal head popped through smashing the archways, "Oh look it my little pet...." he whispered with a small grin on his face.


"Hienra...." Christoph said, his eyes flashed crimson and the tiles below him cracked, "Hienra is the reason I DIED!" he yelled at her, he pulled back his shirt, a deep gash was in his chest recently healed by the Necromantic Powers that had returned him from the Grave, "Blood Magic..." he growled, the wound opened and the Crimson liquid poured from his vains, "Blood Summoning! Utaskashi The Blood Dragon!" He cried out, A large red claw reached from the huge puddle of blood as the Ancient Dragon started to pull itself out, "Utaskashi........The Blood Dragon....The FIRST Tremearian Dragon...... His seed gave birth to most of the Dragonic Races across the Universe, His power allowed him to travel through Different Dimensions..... and even time itself.... I don't know if his power birthed that beast that flies above.... but all Dragonic races must know of him...even through a different name." The Old King said, The Dragon had finished pulling itself from the Puddle, its scales hardened and a loud deafening roar escaped the blood soaked lips as it centered its Iris at Livian.


The Atlantian prince let out a horrifying shriek and ran deeper inside the castle to hide himself. ((:P))
Beauty is like a rose... when it blooms one sees it as perfect... yet as it ages, it withers... and once a rose has withered... who wants to keep it around?

[Image: 2mzldw1.jpg]
My Fursona.
The Sabre Clan

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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by Kubari - 05-01-2009, 08:32 AM