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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp
"I dont want to!" Crystal exclaimed, "I shouldn've died a long time ago when I was a baby, I should've died with every once of my breath!" Suddenly her blue crystal begin to shine white huge bright light showering the army with magnificent and brilliance of it, her wings begin to shimmering with yellow sparkles, and before she knew it, she was wearing an armor of an angel. "!...."


"Mommy..." A small five year old girl, who happened to be Crystal tugged her mother's skirt. "I know your busy cooking food, but do you have time for me to listen?"

"What is it dear?" Linvar turned to face Crystal and kneel her knees to get a good look at her daughter's face, she brushed off some of her bangs that covers her eye. "Is something a matter? Is it your brothers who bothered you again?"

"I'm...not strong as my brothers am I?" the young hybrid replied. "I'm weak...I know light is supposedly be stronger than darkness...but compare to my brothers Nethai and Kuu; I'm no where near as strong as they are. I barely live when they both where born."

"Now that's not true! You are strong, unlike your brothers, you continued to have faith in yourself living don't you believe that? And I'm sure your brothers really do love you no matter what." The royal bunny knight explained, "Did one of your brothers told you are weak?"

"No...really no, they didn't said it, I mean they wouldn't say those things mean things to me...I just felt that I felt weak after seeing how much better they are in magic then me." Crystal stuttered.

"You know what..." Linvar smiled leaving the kitchen for a couple of moments before coming back with a blue crystal. "This crystal is very special, it's been to my family's inheritance for generations, whenever you feel trouble or scared the crystal will protect you. It even protect those who try to poison you or anything else. It is a very strong crystal that's been held in royal family, but I didn't wear it because I don't need it. I think you deserve it the most."

Finally the half-dragon and half rabbit smiled, "Thank you mother!


"Mother..." Crystal touched her blue crystal necklace around her. "Thank you..." she smiled, instantly forgetting the tragic moment and her heart was filled with faith, hope, and love.


"...Horoka..." Livian said softly but her body, Gairunn appeared from her purple wing sensing danger lurking out of the castle. "You sense something strong too do you?"

"Grrrrroooarrrrrr!!!" Gairunn growled the strong aura is making him feel he has to fight, now that's he's mixed with wind he feels very strong as well.

Linear eyes widen and started running towards the Alantian's aid, "Are you alright? Speak to me!"

"Linearrr...Livian....where's Crystal?" The dark Kanerudo growled, she seemed to be not in here.

"She's in the hallway where the army are..." Livian answered.

"Damn!" the mighty dragon cursed running to the halls "Linear calm him down while I make a run!", he then chanted three summoning spells all shaped with the legendz sympol with it, "Aqua...storm...bigfoot, Fire....volacano....Blazeadragon, Earth....earthquake, Gryphon...! REBORN!!!"

A white yeti animal appeared, a firey dragon appeared, and a earthly gryphon like animal appeared. "Grooowaallllll!" Their eyes as well begin to dwell with yellow and headed to the halls.

Linear nodded, and prayed for his safely before standing up to her feet and started to sing, a very holy song. "By the blessing of the holy, please cast aside which is filled with darkness. A light of those who's willing to fight for which is right is forever will be strong. A lasting love and prayer. For those who take things for granted. Forgive them and let their strong body be bond with everlasting light!"
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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by tigerlily - 05-01-2009, 01:51 AM