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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp
Crystal stand emotionless feeling that, it seemed like he doesn't like dragons. She is a half dragon, and seeing and hearing that even he means no harm hurt her. She lowered her head, for the first time, she felt insulted. She started crying. "It's not like I was meant to be a half-breed dragon of my family...maybe I should've died from which I could've been suffering!" She turned running down the halls but not sure where she's heading but she didn't care.

"...Crystal..." Livian whispered softly at her name knowing what's she has gone through. But she didn't chase her.


"Oh I know!" Kaze grinned boardly , "Will you turned into that Valkyrie maiden Linear, and I'll turn into my dark Kanerudo form?"

"But Linear..." Linvar then stopped by his finger pressed to his mouth. Then she sighed transforming herself as a valkyrie, white bluish wings appeared from the back and blue valkyrie armor. "What's the meaning of this!?"

Then suddenly a dark wind suddenly surrounded him along with a dark aura then revealing legendary dark kanerudo dragon. His eye still retain his blue crystal ears eyes but he murred softly at her grasping her waist to his. "My valkyrie...Linear...I want you..."

"...I have no time for your silly games!" Her personality indeed changed from her innocent voice to a more serious tone, the powerful dragon of over all elements and even the high council from the legendz heavens chuckled greatly at her suspense continued to flirted her, reaching her long skirt away and teasing her hidden underwear.

" know it's hard for me not to resist you...especially a great essence of beauty such as your self my dear Valkyrie maiden especially your only powerful as me when your in judicial angel but that's when things get serious isn't it?" He continued to smiled, his mind never leaving until he get what wants.

"I'm not doing it and that's-" Linear stopped feeling him teasing her pussy lips with his finger until he pulled her undergarments off and already his full hard cock quickly pushed inside of her before she became hesistant. "STOP This insist! Ahhhh!"

"Oh no you know I don't want to my dear." As he continued to violate his valkyrie, humping her rapidly as she continued to protest until she finally given in and fallen for his own pleasurement as she wrapped her hands around his neck and moaned pleasurably as he roughly continued his course of fucking her. He growled and roared in excitement but since the crystal was broke it can be clearly heard from the room.
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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by tigerlily - 04-30-2009, 10:38 AM