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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
(OOC: Oh yeah, i didn't wanna use 'em now or anything, i just wondered if we had to wait until we were given a pin, or how you wanted to work it, but if you just introduce 'em whenever you wanna, that's cool. ^^)

Daisy blushed a little, raising one hand to scratch awkwardly at her cheek.

'Uhm. It's a little embarrassing... Let's pretend i didn't just give an inspiring speech in the face of totally harmless and fake enemies.' The girl said, smiling. She then turned to the Reapers,

'I won't forget you two! Come day 7, you'll be sorry, for real!' Daisy said fiercely.

'But for now, we gotta move! If Miss Hip Replacement beats us to Cadoi City, i'ma be pissed, so c'mon Karo!' She said, knowing that now they really needed to hurry.

all i ever wanted was the world.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG. - by Mai - 04-24-2009, 01:28 AM