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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
'Oh, Karo!' Daisy said dramatically, throwing her arms around her partner.

'I know, i know. I'm gonna fight. There's no other choice, right? Besides, i'd rather fight ten grizzlies than look at those breasts...' The girl murmured, still clutching onto Karomaru.

Daisy let go and stood up, brushing herself down.

'You ready, you saggy old crone? I'ma show you how to fight! Maybe if you work harder i'll let you be my rival!' Daisy shouted, her eyes sparkling. Then she turned to her partner,

'Karo! You said i've helped you, but just watch me! I'm gonna send these freaks packing, then i'll take down any Reaper trash, and i'll beat this game! I'll serve up the Game Master and the Composer on a plate if i have to! I'm gonna get us both another chance at life, and nothing's gonna stop me!' The girl cried, almost laughing.

She bent down and grabbed her pins, then turned to face the bears.

(OOC: Hey, can we use fusions? What are they even called, syncs? Well, you know what i'm talking about. That blank pin Hanekoma gave Shiki and Neku, letting 'em use a super psych when the stars charge.)

all i ever wanted was the world.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG. - by Mai - 04-23-2009, 07:45 AM