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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp

"Whats this....New Lives which are to be twisted into my web...And Jarod causes it.....damn him" The Goddess of Time muttered, she left the tapestry and started to walk, her Ebon hair flowing to the middle of her back seeming to be both young and old at once, her skin milky gray, and her body that of a young woman.


"My My, You do have an Appetite Lord Kaze" The Korla king said and then gazed at his plate, a large slab of roast appeared slicked in half, blood oozed from the piece of Rare meat as Jarod stuck his fork into it, "And Kerochuji try to use manners while our guests are here."


"Of Course M'lord...." The Half-Demon said with a small smile.


A blinding flash filled the room and a Poetic voice the air, "Jarod I must have word with you now!" it exclaimed, from the light came Mera, in a long red satin dress barefoot, from her forearm tangled a long green throned vine and in her right palm rested a strange golden petaled rose, "Jarod you are treating Fate just as your father did, You bring Outsiders to this world...Or allow them to stay and twist the webs of fate, I know all...and see all except when it comes to them! They tangle and twist the webs of fate, Nethai and Linvar I understand, They are already written into the Tapestry but the others truly have no place in my web. I cannot keep rewriting history to allow these people in, After they leave I plan on permanity sealing the Portals. I refuse to edit the flow of time Anymore! I care not if Kor or William allows them." She stated, her black feathered wings streaching out and she drew a blade which was covered in the same thorns as her arm, she sheathed it suddenly and backed away, "Maybe there is room for more in the Tapestry.....Congratulations now have a place in Tremear...." she muttered and faded away.


"Damn Mera, Though goddess of time she does not seem to know when things of great importance are going to happen"
Beauty is like a rose... when it blooms one sees it as perfect... yet as it ages, it withers... and once a rose has withered... who wants to keep it around?

[Image: 2mzldw1.jpg]
My Fursona.
The Sabre Clan

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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by Kubari - 04-21-2009, 11:49 AM