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Spoiler button now available and advanced Quick Reply Box!
I did it! I managed to add a spoiler button on the post codes toolbar, so when you reply a post in advance mode or start a new thread now you will have a spoiler button, it works perfectly ^^

Now there's no excuse to use the spoiler.

The spoiler button is this:

[Image: spoiler.gif]

Pretty nice huh?

Now please take your attention to the quick reply form at the bottom of this topic.

Like the new style? just a plug-in added and now we have smilies and format bar.

Now if we want to use some format or use certain smilie we don't remember the keyboard code we don't need to go to the advanced mode, now that we have everything on the quick reply, well except for attachments but hey, we got most part of the advanced mode on quick reply :D

So enjoy this new goodies for the board ;)
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
PataGato All The Way!!!

Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
Spoiler button now available and advanced Quick Reply Box! - by Lord Patamon - 04-21-2009, 11:34 AM