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Star Ocean: The Last Hope--Love It or Hate It
SO4 sucked, royally. The battle system was shaky, the story was completely uninspired and I could do better. The private actions are rare, and can no longer even be held in towns! I hated the ship private actions, the only good one was "Sleeping with Meracle", that one was hilarious. Also, the enemy AI leaves much to be desired, as does the lack of original models. Next, the very shoddy Faize/Arumat replacement almost made me cry with the lack of skill or finesse! What were they thinking!? My last complaint, and the worst of them all, they did not work with the previous titles, Roak was not the Roak I came to love!

On the positive note, the arena was amazing and you could fight one of the major SO1 heroes. Also, the weapons were nice and Faize made me squeal, I like him more than Sephiroth, especially in his badass Missing Procedure armor. YAY FAIZE! I loved playing as him fully in the second playthrough.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Star Ocean: The Last Hope--Love It or Hate It - by MagusKnight - 04-18-2009, 07:14 AM