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(Silver and MorningStar) For training purposes
His fingers traced tantalizing circles around her soft flesh nub, trying skillfully to stimulate her and find how sensitive she was. Some girls only broke when they had large electric dildos sticking out of every orifice of their body while other came from simple acts of stimulation. He wanted to test to see how sensitive her breasts were and although he teased her and stimulated her, never ones did Mike touch her nipple, instead torturing her with the promise of pleasure yet to come.

"Fair enough." He answered with a smile. "So tell me, where do you live? Do you have a sister?" He did not expect her to answer, but asking small subtle questions like this helped break her down little by little. "Is she cute?" He added as his other hand mimicked his right, stimulating her in the same fashion.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (Silver and MorningStar) For training purposes - by Maero - 04-16-2009, 12:31 PM