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Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp

"Please Linvar, You have no need to bow to me and I hide myself by the name of Shurik now, the ways of old have changed the gods of Tremear are no longer trusted. And Gold Nethai what is wrong with Flesh?" He asked and chuckled, "I will take you all to the palace if that is what you wish, but I must part afterwards the Korla of late are no longer very trusting of others and beware the Dark Elves who live in their Empire."


"Enough Of this Foolishness Zenpan what is the status report on the battle" The King demanded, the war on Krail's forces was hard, even more difficult consdering the Korla people had lost the graces of the Elementals of Light and Ice for they had turned to serving the strange new "chaos".

"King Jarod, we have pushed the Demon armies back and have esabilished a ground, but the Undead are pushing through the Dark Forest heading straight for the gates, many Dark Elven Necromancers will them...And they say they have Animated a Dragon! Sir we cannot fight a Drakolich without the powers of the Holy Light"
Beauty is like a rose... when it blooms one sees it as perfect... yet as it ages, it withers... and once a rose has withered... who wants to keep it around?

[Image: 2mzldw1.jpg]
My Fursona.
The Sabre Clan

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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - by Kubari - 04-16-2009, 09:15 AM