04-13-2009, 06:52 AM
Hey, I have a dream. I was walking through these streets... everything was so quiet. Then this wind start coming up, and a lightning bolt struck right now me. I ran to hide under something and these huge black clouds started swirling around the broken city. Then it started destroying all the buildings with HUGE lightning bolts, tearing them to pieces. I got up and ran away, trying to get out of the city as fast as possible. When I came to the city limits... there was a huge black wall, so I ran back into the city for shelter. When I got to this weird intersection there was a straight path on four sides straight through the city... and a single light, like a spotlight on the intersection. I looked up to see what was shining on me, and I saw a small SMALL break in the clouds, and the sun shining above the clouds. The, I looked back to the four streets and saw a figure. I looked around and there was a figure on every intersection. One was black, one was white, one was red, one was yellow. I closed my eyes and looked around again, then the figures were no longer silhouettes and turned out to be me, all four of them. They soon got near me, like they traveled in insane distance before I could realize it. Then they all put out their hands, each dripping with their silhouette's respective color. And the black and white one touched me first, that's when I woke up, sweating... >.>