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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Few people know, of a mystical tavern, existing outside normal space and time. A Magical Tavern, a huge one, that exist between worlds...Once you get in, you have to find the hidden key to escape. The Tavern has a bar, rooms, a game room and tons of other rooms, making it bigger in the inside than it is on the outside. The only way to leave is to find the key, which is of course, hidden. The rules of how to get out and all that are posted on the front of the door, but can only be read from the inside.

This is the story, of how a group of people found themselves trapped in this strange a....

Unforeseen Stay!

Only me and Silver are allowed to post here. Anyone else who does will be eaten by rabbits, and then peed on by the rabbits. You have been warned.

RP Name: Alex Hunter
Age: 24
Picture or Description: [Image: sunlit-bloodeyescool.jpg]
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Special Powers or Abilities?: Can make tentacles come out of his back and master of special sex drugs and technology
Species: Mutated Human
Fetishes: Power, humiliating his sluts, and big huge boobs.
Turn Offs: Flat chests, blood, death, etc you know
Dominated or Dominator?: Dominator
Measurements: 9 unerect 11 and 3 inches erect
Anything Else: Genius and pretty crazy. He wants his prey to fall in love with him.

RP Name: Hunter the Wolf
Age: 20
Picture or Description: Black fur, red eyes, red tattoos over his body. Wears a black vest, and uses dual swords that are on his back. Muscualr, but not overly so. Body is a cross between a wolf and a human.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Special Powers or Abilities?: Can make tentacles come out of his back
Species: Werewolf
Fetishes: Power, humiliating his sluts, and making his slaves fall in love with him
Turn Offs: Flat chests, blood, death, etc you know
Dominated or Dominator?: Dominator
Measurements: 8 unerect 10 and 2 inches erect
Anything Else: War Leader of the great Saxon Kingdom

RP Name: Rain
Age: 18
Picture or Description: [Image: 4223ef6e.jpg]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Does it matter?
Special Powers or Abilities?: Can manipulate water
Species: Digimon, Ranamon.
Fetishes: Not much sexual experiences.
Turn Offs: Not much sexual experiences.
Dominated or Dominator?: Dominated
Measurements: D cups
Anything Else:

Messages In This Thread
(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by MasterZero - 04-09-2009, 04:10 AM