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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
(OOC: I was waiting for the others, but let's go on anyway.)

Daisy couldn't help giggle at the boy's antics.

'You're not gonna find 'em like that Karo... We gotta use our pins, dummy!' She opened her palm, revealing her Player Pin. Then she closed her eyes and scanned the area, ignoring the rush of peoples' thoughts, until she heard the sharp jarring sound that signalled the presence of Noise. Daisy targeted them, drawing their attention to herself.

'Here they come, you ready Karo?'

'Right! So, you can find them, and then we'll beat them, and then we can proceed! But hurry up, 'cause we've still got a lot of fighting to do once we finally reach Cadoi.' Mian said, running a hand through his hair distractedly.

all i ever wanted was the world.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG. - by Mai - 03-31-2009, 06:55 AM