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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
'Cadoi City? That's not that far, but i bet anything there'll be obstacles! We'll work on your perception of reality later Karo, but for real, this isn't a dream. C'mon, we gotta move!' Daisy said, already on her feet any heading towards the Scramble.

'Okay, mission number 2! Cadoi City is just east of here, so let's go!' Mian said, proceeding east, only to walk into a solid wall. A solid wall he couldn't see.

'Another one of these?! Hey Shaun, we gotta find a way through this!'

all i ever wanted was the world.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG. - by Mai - 03-24-2009, 08:36 AM