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I was hoping more would show up but if you are still interested arahabaki than I will make a character and we will get at least something started maybe it will help draw interest.

Weight:195 Lbs.
Description: Typically wears jean and a plain T-shirt. Has shortcut light blonde hair that looks nearly white along with green eyes.
Personality: Loves combat. Believes that is a Drawer's true purpose for being. He will let another drawer go if they cannot fight anymore but in general tends to attack others shortly after meeting them.
Self-Alterations:The War Wolf-This form basically looks like a Werewolf in powered armor without the joints so that the fur sticks out between parts. Is faster, stronger, and tougher than any human could hope to be along with wolf like senses. However most of his defense is in the armor itself. The armor can be removed which increases his speed somewhat but makes him fairly vulnerable to damage.


Avatar Type: Humanoid
Avatar Base Form: Dark pinked furred Catgirl. Is covered from head to toe in a fairly soft coating of short fur. Is immensely strong, fast, and resilient. If Superman were real and he fought her they would end at mostly a standstill. She also has an added ability to temporarily transfer her endurance to someone else that she is in contact with.
Avatar Name: Jendara
Avatar Sex: Female
Height: 6'2"
Weight:150 Lbs.
Description: In all of her forms Jendara maintains a fairly attractive appearence along with being fairly well endowed. This is not helped by the fact she typically does not wear anything since her fur keeps her covered. Her hair is usually about a little past shoulder length but the color depends on the form.
Personality: Much like her Drawer she too enjoys combat. However unlike her Drawer she does know, at least somewhat, that her appearance can be quite distracting to male, and sometime female, opponents.
Alterations: Normal Catgirl-In this mode she looks almost completely human except for the same dark pink colored ears, tail, and hair. She actually wears clothes in this form but it is merely a furrier version of a bikini. She also wears, on her hands and feet, fake cat paws. These paws are actually limiters which restrict her power to only moderately above human. They also keep her from changing back into her prime form so long as she wears the paws. She can remove them and remain in this form, especially since she tends to stay in this form most of the time.

Messages In This Thread
Draw - by Digi_Lord - 03-14-2009, 01:12 PM
RE: Draw - by arahabaki - 03-14-2009, 03:47 PM
RE: Draw - by Digi_Lord - 03-16-2009, 04:58 PM
RE: Draw - by Diva - 04-26-2009, 12:15 PM
RE: Draw - by Casey the furry one - 04-27-2009, 12:51 AM