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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
Name: Mian Komatsu
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: [Image: rit.png]


Psych 1
Name: Kanesada
Skill: Shockwave
Description: A vicious swipe at an enemy with his shoulder bag.

Psych 2
Name: Candle Service
Skill: Explosion
Description: A flurry of flames erupt from Mian's bag.

Psych 3
Name: Live Slow, Die Fast
Skill: Psychokinesis
Description: Mian can throw objects like cars and signs around.


'Idiot! Weren't you listening to the GM?! If you don't forge a pact with me, we can't beat the Noise, and we're both screwed! Do you wanna be erased? 'Cause i sure as hell don't!' Daisy cried, scrambling to her feet after being shoved out of the frog's way.

'DUDE! Just say you accept or it's game over!!' The black haired girl yelled, more terrified and frustrated tears spilling from her eyes.

'Partner partner partner!' Mian shouted, racing through the streets of Shibuya, Noise close behind.

'Fuck fuck fuck! C'mon!'

all i ever wanted was the world.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG. - by Mai - 03-14-2009, 09:39 AM