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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
About to beat it and I'm all hip about it, DS rocks! And so does this game! So anyways, hope people join so we all can have a fun time playing and ripping off Bleach in a few ways. For those who are not familiar with the title, here are a few guidelines on the "Game" (Those who are knowitalls can just skip forwards to the rules):

- The "Game" as I mentioned consists in "Players" who appear in a part of Shibuya (Japan's commercial town/sector) to fight as "Partners", pairs of "Players" doing survival missions dished out by "Reapers" in a span of 7 days. The game happens in an alternate Shibuya, which is referred to as "Underground" or "UG", only "Players" can visit the "UG", but "Reapers" can exist in both the "UG" and the "RealGround" or "RG".

- "Players" are people who entered the "Game" because of a common reason: Death. Upon dying, they are given the choice to play the Game for hopes of a second chance at life. "Players" must give up their most treasured thing in the world as the entry fee for the game. If a player dies in the game, the entry fee is lost forever, "Erased" along with the Player. If the player wins the game, they are given their entry fee back, along with a second chance. When a "Player" begins the game, they all appear with a "Player Pin", which allows them to read the minds of living people from the "RG" and certifies them as "Players", not to mention awaken their latent powers which will help them during the "Game".

- "Partners" are pairs of people who made a pact to stay alive in the "Game". During the course of the "Game", the "Partners" must cooperate with each other, regardless of maybe not knowing each other or getting into a fight. Trusting your partner is an essential if you want to survive the "Noise".

- "Reapers" are people with black wings and tremendous power. They are the people who send out missions and create and open "Walls", as well as the makers of the "Noise". In the hierarchy of the "Reapers", the ranks go as following: "Conductor", "Game Master" or "GM", "Officer", "Support Reaper".

- "Erasure" is like dying again, but this time, your soul disappears forever and cannot ever be reacquired. Being "Erased" means you lose your right to exist.

- "UG" and "RG" are denominations of Shibuya. All the people are in Shibuya, but the spirits of the people who are playing cannot be seen, and only inhabite an overlapping dimension we call the "UG". Basically, everything continues as it is, but if you're a "Player", you're simply a ghost. People from the "RG" cannot see nor hear you, let alone help you.

- "Player Pins" look like these: .. .. And they allow a "Player" to perform various abilities known as "Psych", and also allow them to read scan for "Noise" and "RG" people's minds. All that is required to activate a Scan is to tap the "Player Pin" with a finger.

- "Noise" are creatures that feed on souls and they will attack any "Player" in sight. These are created by Reapers and can take various forms as they will it.

- "Psych" is the denomination we give to the latent abilities or skills a "Player" acquires and uses while in the game. Depending on the ESPer ranking the person has, they may be able to have use two or more "Psyches".

- Missions are given to players via text messages to their cell phones. Every player receives one and the mail cannot be deleted, or it will come back. Once a mission reaches, only a minute later the "Players" will be momentarily shocked before a timer appears in their hands, dictating how much time left they got before the timer expires. Penalties can vary, but failing a mission will almost always result in Erasure. If at least one "Player" completes the mission, all the others become safe, but fooling around and leaving it to the others for too long will yield grave consequences in the long run. Additionally, there is 1 Mission per day. There are 7 Missions per "Game". Once a Mission is cleared, 10 minutes pass and every "Player" is knocked out and wakes up in the following day as if time had been skipped. There are no exceptions. "Reapers" cannot attack "Players" directly during the first sixth days, but once the seventh is reached, it's free grounds for all "Reapers" to "Erase" any player they desire to.


Whew, those are all the basic concepts. Okay, time for the rules:

1. No Godmodding.

2. No Power Playing.

3. No ignoring.

4. Post Flood is 8 between 2 and 15 between 3. Fail to follow this rule and face Erasure. lol always wanted to say that.

5. Wrap up your things quick. Once a mission is cleared, we skip to next day no matter what, no exceptions.

6. No Omni-ESPer like Neku Sakuraba. You may only be able to control up to three Psyches. As for what they are, make sure you follow the rules above, and then, they can be any sort of power you want. (Keep healers to a minimum, they are boring)

7. You can be a Reaper if you want, but if you do, you fully and willingly accept the fact that this character may be Erased by a GM or above at any given point in the "Game", so try not to make a character who's very attached to you a Reaper, or else we'll enter an unnecessary conflict.



Physical Appearance (Pics accepted):

Player or Reaper? :

If Player:

Psych 1:
Skill (Its specialization):

Psych 2:

Psych 3:

If Reaper:

Elemental Affinity:
Noise Preference (Type of Noise you control):


So anyways guys- before we begin, I must stress this out: We are going for an EVEN number of Players, so in that way, everybody will have a Partner. They are free to choose who it will be even before the game starts, but the pact must be done in-game. Remember, if you have no Partner, you can NOT fight the Noise! You can only run away from it, but your Psyches will not work! Also, take a note that if your Partner is Erased by whichever reason, you only have 7 posts to find a new one! If you don't do so, then you are accepting the cruel fate of Erasure, regadless of your situation!

And just for reference, I'll be playing a male player. So the counter of Players for the moment right now is 1. Let the profiles come now!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG. - by DragonMasterX - 03-10-2009, 10:33 AM