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Project Anubis: Neutralized (Cowboy/Gol RP)

Name: Gol
Age: 19
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Rank: N/A

Tall (6'5) black furred with white underbelly, short black mohawk, clear white eyes giving him the ability to see clearly through light or dark. About medium toned body muscle. Usually wears white sleeveless shirt and white and black camo pants with black combat boots and black fingerless gloves.


Seeing that he can customize any weapon before missions, his main weapon he would prefer using is a HK G36 with custom ammo cartridge that holds 50 bullets each magazine, top of the line stock, barrel, and shotgun attachment. Secondary is a customized duel deagles, with a clip that holds 15 shots. Grenades and any other explosives won't be needed unless its part of the objective.



Very strong, don't let his size fool you. Can withstand heavy damage over time only with heavy gear. Stealth suit wise, very agile, quick, silent, and knows how to restrain an enemy without killing

Name: Sheila
Age: 18
Species: Husky
Gender: Female
Rank: N/A

Somewhat tall (6'0), orange fur with white underbelly. Her body nicely fit with light muscle tone. Has green eyes and wears black t-shirt with long urban camo pants and black boots, aswell as fingerless gloves.


She usually uses the light weapons, like SMG's. Primary is a P90. Secondary is a glock. She always keeps a Dragonov sniper with red tiger paint.

Armor: Somethin' like this.

Skills: Has incredible accuracy with her weapons. Very agile and can hack computers.


Very well, where shall the setting begin?
[Image: 2hrn80k.jpg][Image: 25hpq38.gif]
The Mod Squad

Messages In This Thread
RE: Project Anubis: Neutralized (Cowboy/Gol RP) - by Gol22 - 03-04-2009, 08:50 PM