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Legendz: Valkyrie Linvar and Guardian Kaz
Okay please constructive criticism....I know I'm not a great typist. So forgive me for typing something wrong. And this goes on for about 4 chapters.

Chapter 1: The chains...of meeting.

The pink hair rabbit girl continued to run until she finally meets the dead end of the tree. Her legs began to shake as a huge monster like creature with many eyes and legs as you can imagine. The pink hair rabbit's name is Linvar, her left hand holding zweihandler sword and pointed at the monster. "I guess this is it...then...I'm trapped..."

The monster licked it's vicious lips as it's hungry for her and then when it was about to launch at her a huge shadowy figure knocked the creature on the face. "GRRRRAWHAHWAHH!!!!" It cried out as the strong punch sent him flying and landed 10-15 feet off the ground.

"Pick someone your own size, especially a sweet innocent young girl." The shadowy figure talked. Linvar blinked so suddenly as she couldn't believe her eyes, a black and white dragon, wearing some grey asianic clothes, with two grey gloves, 2 pairs of black belt wrapped both of his legs, along with 2 pairs of gold piercings on both of his black raven like wings. He also have a blonde ponytail with a red ribbon wrapped around it.

"He-he's...." she blushed immediately trying to avoid looking at him. "Very handsome...." she thought.

The monster shook his head trying to shake off the unpleasant pain and then it roared back at the dragon charging itself at him. "Oh you want some more huh?" he chuckled, "Then I'll give you more!!!" he then charge back at the monster making the girl more concern.

"NO STOP!" Linvar cried, afraid of what might happened next.

The huge dragon stopped the brown monster from charging him picking him up and thrown him at the tree making it smash against it and knocking the tree down to floor. "Feather wind!" the black and white dragon cried out his move as he wraps his wings around himself and spins rapidly, shooting razor-sharp feathers in all directions at the monster. The monster growled in pain and finally it disappeared, leaving it's dust behind.

"That's better..." He said turning himself around to face Linvar who then tried to back away slowly. "Are you alright miss?"

"I'm...alright..." she huffed. "Thank you sir...I really appreciate your help."

"The name is Kaze." The dragon spoken. "It's really a pleasure rescuing a sweet lovely girl such as you." he smiled at her. Although it seems like he's trying to...flirt her.

"W-w-what!?!" She blushed at his compliments, even though she's a princess she's still not used to getting comments like that. "I mean...thank you, my name is Linvar."

"Such a very beautiful name..." He added, his unusual smirk has made her abit uncomfortable, but he did save her right?

"I must be going then, it's very nice meeting you Kaze." Linvar uttered and then quickly started go but then was halted as she felt a strong but firm grip stopped her from going.

"Your not going alone are you?"

"" she said softly.

"In this dark wilderness?" Kaze raised his eye brow at her. "No way your going alone dear princess."

"Excuse me?" her eyes widened. "I could had handle that monster alone if it wasn't for you intruding me!"

"Oh....your rather a feisty petite rabbit too are you?" he smiled widely at her as if he's plotting something dirty. "I don't mind, but I seriously don't want you be alone...especially a innocent young gal such as you."

"I..." Linvar tried protesting but, perhaps he's right. "Alright...I don't mind an escort."

That perked the dragon's spirit well as he smiled at her giving her a long lick on cheek. "Thank dear..."

Linvar still blushing yet shivered by his reactions, "Do you have a home?"

"No...I sadly do not." He hissed.

"Well would you like to live at my place? I do have a extra bedroom big enough for you even." she smiled.

"Oh...are you going to hired me as your guardian?" he grinned at her making her even more nervous.

"Yes...I probably do need someone like you to help protect me when I'm very trouble, but just to let you know..." Linvar slightly poked Kaze's stomach with her sharp sword. "I'm a fighter also."

"No problem..." he continued to smiled at her and still licking her face.

"Ah! Stop with the licking!"


Chapter 2: The bond and forgiveness

"Here we are!" Linvar said opening the gates of her property and showing him the house. "This is where I live. Although I'm sorry it looks rather big." she said with a nervous tone in her voice. It was a big white mansion, a beautiful looking with front garden of 20 different types of Lillies along with a rather large grass.

"I think it's good that you have a big house, since I don't like being in small rooms." He smiled at her. "And it's very lovely."

"Oh thank's just that...I don't really wanted a big place....I actually wanted to live in a cottage, if I do live in a cottage you'll probably not might fit in." The bunny girl giggled suddenly opening a door for him to go in.

"Heheheh...well maybe I'll get used to it perhaps." the black dragon chuckled.

The room was very fancy, a stair was almost at the hallway, on the right there is a kitchen along with a kitchen table, and on the left side there is a living room with a couple of rooms most likely the guest bedroom.

'Wow, this is very nice...even though I went to that snobby girl's place, I think this a good place.' He thought as he followed Linvar to the stairs noticing there even more rooms.

"This is the library where it contains many books, from magic spells to mythical creatures." Linvar explained.

"I see....heh." The windragon chuckled once more as he continued following the bunny girl.

"This is going to be your room." Linvar opened a door revealing a normal fancy blue bed with a bathroom and closet.

"Where's yours?" Kaze asked suddenly as he's more interested in sleeping with her other than his 'own' room.

"Um...why are you suddenly asking me that question?" she sweated as she didn't like where the conversation was going.

"Oh but, what if your suddenly trap, or something bad happens and I can't find you? I may have good sense of smell but, I'm no dog either." the black and white dragon grinned, Linvar blinked at the response.

'He...did have a point.' The pink hair girl thought not knowing his true intentions was as she lead him to her bedroom, which not surprisingly a very pink room but, with couple of stuff animals. "Here it is." she smiled at him.

He sweated at the room but, a room's a room he thought and he entered in laying on top of it. The blanket; however, felt really really soft through his skin, which made the dragon lied down lazily on top of it. "Well well, not bad at all....I like it." he smiled at her.

"B-but that' bed..." She stuttered.

"Hey, I'm not saying you couldn't sleep here, I actually don't mind sleeping with you that is." He then winked making her face flustered.

"What? I barely even know you!"

"Oh, so there 'is' no such thing is love at first sight is there?" he smiled at her making her helplessly embarrassed.

"Thank you, but...I'm not really interested into seeing someone...." Linvar lowered her head thinking the awful moment she had with her ex boyfriend, she then felt a hand lifting up her chin and the tender like lips kissed her. HE KISSED HER.

She then tried to pulled out from the kiss, but she was really locked in the kiss as if her body don't want to move away from him. His rough tongue push through making a french-kiss with her.

After a minute he then pulled out, a trail of saliva was being pulled but then slurped by the lusty dragon. "How was it?" he smiled at her.

Linvar was silent, she couldn't help liking the kiss as it felt like he really liked her yet at the same felt like it was too soon for her. "I'm sorry...I'll have to think about it."

Kaze nodded in silence, "I understand." He embraced her warmly and then let her go for a few minutes.

"Thank you." she smiled but then there was sound of knocking coming from the door. Her bunny ears suddenly perked and then she then headed downstairs, "I'm coming!" she cried out opening the door revealing...Kiki and her legendz Faytin.

Faytin's eyes widen as she saw Kaze followed after Linvar, she didn't say anything at all.

Kaze heart began to ache as he saw...Faytin. He felt really guilty after what happened, and what he did to her.

"Oh, Kaze? I was wondering where you are." Kiki looked behind Linvar's back. "You were with Linvar were you?"

"Yes I am." The black dragon answered.

"You know him?" Linvar blinked.

"Yea, he's my bodyguard." She then looked at Linvar and then looking back Kaze, then she looked back at Linvar. "or used to be, that is if you really wanted him to be your bodyguard. He's generally useless to me."

"Really?...what does he do?" The bunny girl was really confused why is he's so useless.

"Well...we haven't have any bad people walking by here and there, so what's the point of having him when you don't have trouble makers?" The red headed girl bluntly said. "Afterall, I think it's best for you to have him Linvar."

"Oh thank you..." she thanked again. "It's a pleasure of having him here, even though I just know him for one day."

"Linvar..." Faytin said suddenly. "may I speak to Kaze privately?"

"...Sure go ahead." She forcely smiled, she felt a strange feeling that she didn't know why her stomach is about to turn.

Faytin walked away letting the black and white dragon following her. After a couple of feets away from her saga and Linvar she then turned. " you like that girl?"

Kaze nodded and lowered his head at her, "I'm very sorry what happened along time ago, what I did and I was selfish. and...Shiroi...forgive me?"

"I do." The earth fairy said simply and smiled. "But for Shiroi, I will tell him, and see what he thinks."

"Heheh thanks." He chuckled he finally set his matter behind but then...what pains him is that he have to tell Linvar about it too. He truly loves Linvar, and he couldn't afford to lose her, and he wouldn't want to carry all the guilt with him. They headed towards at the door smiling at them. "We're back."

"Alright, I better get on home as it is getting late, see you later Linvar!" She waved and then left the two alone.

"Bye Kiki" The pink hair bunny girl waved back.

(This is the bath scene, it won't include any mature stuff, just them being in a big jacuzzi so their privates are covered)

"Hey, Kaze?" Linvar called his name.

"Yes, my dear Linvar?" He smiled at her lovingly.

The bunny girl blushed feeling rather shy yet she blurted out, " don't mind having your back scrub do you?"

"Why of course!" He cheerfully smiled at her, he then have his two wings spread out for her so she was able to have enough room for her to rub his back. "Linvar..." He then said as he felt the soap caressed at his back.

"Yes? Kaze?"

"I...raped someone a long time ago..." He said in a tearful voice. "I already apologized but, I even though I was forgiven I hope you like me, and still have me as your guardian."

Linvar stopped, she couldn't believe what he was saying. Her heart began to hurt and suddenly she couldn't helped herself and cried.

"I'm sorry..." He apologized again. "I'll take my leave."

But then he felt her arms wrapped around his stomach, "Please...don't go...even though I'm hurt...just don't go..."

Kaze stared at her smiled. "Alright...if that's what my Linvar wants then I'll stay."


Sorry this part is rated PG-13 for alittle strong language

Chapter 3: Rivalry for Linvar

"Mother...why is that dragon looked so evil?" A small pink hair girl with bunny like ears pointed a picture of a black and white dragon in one of her books.

"I'm sure he has a reason to be that way, he may be evil but, there is probably light within him. Perhaps with the help of light he will become a dragon who protects and cares for that certain being Linvar." Her mother smiled at her, her hair is silver but, very beautiful. With rabbit like ears and rabbit like tail.

"Who's going to help a dragon who is bad?" The little Linvar pouted. "I'm not going to help that dragon!"

"What if his personality isn't really bad Linvar? Just misunderstood?"

"...Then maybe...then maybe I will help darkness overcome with the power light." Linvar stuttered feeling unsure of her answer.

"Then that will be the case." The silver hair woman nodded at her and smiled. "Help that evil become what was good again..."


"Yes...." Linvar mumbled having her hands rubbed Kaze's chest, while the black and white dragon already has awoken from his slumber. He seemed very amused by what was Linvar dreaming.

" sweet dear princess..." He cooed at her; brushing her hair with his left hand. "Are you having a nice dream?" the black dragon smiled licking her cheeks which already he had disturbed her beauty sleep.

"Ah! Stop, Kaze!" Her hand stopped his mouth but, then he started licking her fingers. "Kaze!-" The rabbit girl then stopped as she noticed......he's totally naked, even though she's in her nightgown but, she couldn't believe her eyes. A naked dragon was right infront of her. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
she's screamed since she's not very used to seeing naked dragons especially him.

The black and white dragon ceased her mouth, the scream was driving him nuts. "What are you trying to do!?! Are you mad!?"

"Yomnf naft weafim clahtoes!?!" She gargled through his fingers.

"Oh sorry..." He apologized pulling his hand out of her mouth. "Now what were you saying?"

"Why aren't you wearing any clothes!?" She suddenly pointed at him, her face was really turning bright red and her eyes shut to avoid looking at his full body. "D-don't tell me we did it!"

"Well sorry, you looked rather cold underneath those covers despite them being so soft, so I decided to warm you up. I'm not going to warm you up with my clothes on; it'll be too hot!" He smiled thinking it was the solution of the problem.

"B-but please at least tell me before you do anything that might give me a heart attack." Linvar shivered, her ears pulling backwards from embarrassment. "I really don't like it when you do something without asking me..."

"I said sorry, jeez what else do you want me to say?" The black dragon was feeling kind of annoyed but at the same time he couldn't help but chuckled. "You seemed very cute when you are angry." He then flirted easily forgetting the serious moment like it never happened.

"....." Linvar turned her face around as her red cheeks couldn't stop blushing, and then suddenly another knocking came interrupting the awkward silence.

"Wow, aren't you very popular my dear Linvar!" Kaze exclaimed from the knock. Linvar was hurrying trying to get everything ready for the guest, but then she immediatly tripped which Kaze couldn't help but, chuckled. "Dear Linvar, relax what's the hurry?"

"I do have guests that appear randomly every now and then. So I have to be prepared!" The bunny girl explained while she goes brushing her teeth, wash her face, and then getting ready to put on her 'to go clothes'.

"Very interesting," The guardian dragon thought as his mind never lose contact of Linvar's blur and then he stopped the pink blur as he grabbed her waist. "You shouldn't be in a hurry all the time; dear Linvar, let that person know you need a break."

However, the knocking became even louder.

"Actually let me deal with that person now." The dragon added as he became very annoyed by the constant knocking. "As he doesn't even know the meaning of the word patience."

"K-Kaze-" Kaze hush her with his finger shaking his head at her before going downstairs and opened the door.

"Linvar, I-" It was a werewolf who was doing all that knocking, the werewolf had a purple ponytail hair, blueish/greyish fur, along with white trenchcoat plus blue lien, with ruffle around his neck and gold cross, and the werewolf also wore long pants, and he also had a white feather near his ear and earring. The werewolf then narrowed his eyes glaring at the dragon. "Who are you s'uppose to be?" The wolf like human asked, his accent was abit more like a western accent. "Your not her boyfriend are you?"

"Actually I am." The black and white dragon smirked. "Now do you have a problem with that especially with that impatience of yours?"

"You seriously want to die pretty boy?" The furry gunslinger threatened, "I'll can kill a dragon like you with just two bullets." He then clinked two of his golden guns ready to strike his heart out when suddenly, Linvar got in the middle of the two.

"STOP it both of you! What are you doing here Lax? I thought I said our relationship is over!" Linvar shouted at the both of them but, more so to Lax.

"Listen Linvar, I'm sorry, I'm more serious now when you said you're gonna leave me and I don't wanna lose all of the memories we shared together, I promised I changed!" Lax declared kneeling his legs down at her. "Please Linvar gimme one more chance, leave the loser and be with me."

"...I'm sorry Lax you know my where my decision lies." The rabbit girl said softly not looking at her ex boyfriend. "Your always getting into fights and showing no mercy."

"I see...I'm sorry." The werewolf said weakily glaring at him and pointed a finger at him. "This is not over, if you dare lay or hurt her I will go hunt'n for your life!"

"We'll see about that, while I'll be the one who have her wrapped around my fingers." The dragon smirked back already feeling he has won the fight.

"Kaze!" The rabbit woman insisted turning back at Lax. "Lax, just go. I forgive you but, I still don't want to be back with you so please understand."

"What I don't understand is your with that jackass!" The werewolf clutched his guns tightly. "Seriously, I don't want you to get hurt by him! I don't trust him!"

"That's enough! I don't want to see you!" Linvar slapped the Lax's face and then headed to the room crying.

"...Linvar..." Lax touched his face and death glared at Kaze again. "I'm watching you...dragon."

"You know what? Screw youself, you just made her cry. Some boyfriend you turned out to be as you can't get over the fact that she is certainly doesn't want to be with you." Kaze glared back slaming the door at him.

"OW!!! I'm so going to kill you for hurting my nose!" The gunslinger banged on the door.

Kaze shooked his head running upstairs to comforting Linvar, as he head to her room it was already locked. "Linvar...are you alright?"


"Linvar, just ignore the guy and seriously I may not know what's going on between you two but, I am very concern about you." Kaze continued to try persuade her.

"Just...go away...I wanted to be alone..." A voice softly said.

"Alright." He said simply as he was about to walk away but, his ears then perked as he heard the door unlocked opening for him to come on in. "I thought you wanted me to leave you alone." He chuckled, "What made you changed your mind?"

"I thought your going to leave the was worried." Linvar's heart felt really weak it's almost like she losted her spirit and let things continue hurting her. "If...your going to rape me...then do it..."

"Linvar, you know I wouldn't do that; that would've been heartless for me." His eyebrowed raised wondering why she think of such things like that. "what makes you say things like that?"

"...cause I thought...your..." The bunny girl try to say something, yet at the same time she doesn't want her guardian dragon to be hurt.

"Evil?" The dragon added.

"" She couldn't believe it she lied to him. This is probably be the first time of her entire life she has ever lie to him, feeling rather more guity saying it.

Kaze sighed putting his hands on both of her shoulders licking her cheeks and brushing her bangs so he could see her eyes. "Linvar, I know I'm evil. Even though I may not born evil, I raised and thaught to be evil. Until...I met you, there was something I sense that you could atleast change what I have done."

Linvar sniffled, rubbing her teary eyes and smiled, "Alright I'll help you." Then her ears picked up a large growling noise coming from the dragon's stomach. "Heehee, I guess you're very hungry. Should I fix you breakfast?" The rabbit's frown now suddenly became a bright cheery girl again.

Kaze licked his lips, "Most certainly my dear just don't lie anymore, it's not like you."

"Okay." Linvar nodded going downstairs again fixing him breakfast.


Chapter: 4 Awkward situations.


Linvar replied, "Yes, Kaze?"

"The food you make was very delicious." The winddragon coiled his tongue, licking his lips. "What was it that you make?"

"Oh!" Linvar blushed for a moment. She thought he didn't like her food since he was awfully silent. He did tasted the cooking until he noticibly ate it all. Thinking he wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, but his reaction surprised her. "I'm still not professional at cooking, I chopped my knife rather normal like everyone does. And the food is curry."

"Curry?" He said, but chuckled for a moment. "It's a very good curry." Blushing the rabbit woman further. Kaze then paused for a moment thinking he shouldn't just call her Linvar. He then changed the subject. "Well since I'm your guardian dragon, should I call you master?"

"I-I feel rather uncomfortable being called that..." The rabbit girl answered nervously. "I really don't mind you calling me Linvar."

"How bout princess?" The dragon smirked.

"Um...sure..." Linvar continued to blushed at the dragon, he chuckled at her shyness. "Anyways...I'm going to head for Demon Hunter's department to get my assignment and the reward from yesterday's work. Thank you again for helping me finish off that monster." She thanked Kaze pushing her chair out of the way and about to head off to the door but, again Kaze held onto her arm.

"Whoa, where do think your going without me?" The windragon stared at Linvar. He's not going anywhere without being with the white-eared rabbit. "Your not just thinking about leaving me here at home right? I'm your guardian dragon."

"But...the people might get of scared seeing an 8-10 feet tall dragon..." Linvar tried to explained.

"And seeing you with just rabbit ears makes you one of the humans right?" The black and white dragon grunted at her. "Typical..."

"Well they do think it's strange and thought I might be wearing a costume of some sort. I do get some strange looks, however; if they see you...who knows what will happen. Especially, the police will have me tell all the details and something bad might happen or worse." Linvar pleaded.

He sighed knowing he won't slip off from that easily but, suddenly he snapped his fingers and chuckled. "I know what we should do. When I turned into my warrucho form, and being kissed on the lips, I shall turn back to my normal form easily, no talispods. Just a simple kiss on the lips."

"W-what?" Linvar said surprisingly, already she had so many kisses from him for one single day. It's starting to make things looked like they already going for a relationship so fast! "But, we only knowned each other for one day! One day only! And what is a talispod?"

"This..." Kaze said simply, his hand in a holding position until a purple toy object appeared with a speck of black wind surrounding it creating that thing. "But, knowingly if a guy holds a gun, and you hold a talispod, or worst you could easily killed yourself or lose the fragile thing." He cracks it within his hand which it disappeared. "That's why I recommended the kissing. Easy, and I could kiss you, or you could kiss me. It's that simple."

The rabbit girl blushed but, then she couldn't help but he was probably right about the whole entire thing. "Um...sure, I'll try to go along with it...I guess." She smiled nervously.

"Good. Now lemme test myself." With a very deep breath, his body was surrounded by black wind and then with that moment poof! Kaze's body was like a chibi sized hamster like animal. Well...

"Wow..." The rabbit girl said completely amazed at how small he is, as she plucked him up onto her hands. "You looked like a small dinosaur!"

"Fufufufufufu fuu!" The Warrucho Kaze complained. ["I'm NOT A DINOSAUR!"] atleast he wasn't called a hamster or a mouse.

"Oh...but, you do look like a cute dinosuar to me." She giggled, somehow understanding what was Kaze talking to her.

Immediatily Kaze kissed Linvar's lips and then suddenly like he just said he returned to his normal form. "It's Warrucho form! Warrucho do you understand!?" He shouted.

"Um...that's kindna too difficult for me to pronounced dear Kaze..."

The windragon sighed but, hey like I said again. It's atleast better than being called a hamster or a mouse. "Alright as long you know that you have to do." smirked Kaze returning to his warrucho form again and his body sat on Linvar's head.

She smiled at him, yet like always she still blush at the thought of kissing and heading off to the Demon's Hunter Quarters.


"Ah Linvar..." A dark figure from the screen said as he saw Linvar coming to the meeting table. "I was very worried about you."

"I'm very sorry Mister Carter." She bowed at him, her hair showing Kaze. "I didn't mean to make you worried about me."

"Oh, is that your pet hamster?" He chuckled making Kaze growled at him. "He's very cute indeed."

["I am NOT a pet hamster!"] He shouted at him, the dark figure however have no idea what he was talking about. All hearing just the Fufu from him.

The empty seat was right next to without surprised was Lax. Lax then suddenly saw Kaze, narrowing his eyes at him. "Is that who I think it is?" Lax said pointing at the small dragon with puny wings.

"Yes, it's Kaze." Linvar said simply. "Now, Mister Carter...I know I'm partnered with Lax here. But there is a problem I have a guardian drag-" But she was interrupted by the dark figure.

"Like I said before Linvar, either you like it or not. You are still partnered with Sir Lax here. No complaints, as I clearly stated before." He cleared his throat but suddenly noticed she and Kaze kissed.

"Excuse me, I would like to make this clear to you." Kaze cracked his neck as he's ready to explain the whole situation. "I would rather like Linvar to not be with this jerk, who treat her so unfair to her. I was the witness of everything seeing the way he treats her so poorly often getting fights and leaving her crying. Is that how you treat your partner, I don't think that's fair would you agree?" He smiled staring at Lax.

Lax grunted, he couldn't believe it. His chance with being with Linvar and hoping things would work out for he and her has gone to the drain. "Sir, you don't actually believe this guy would you?"

"Kaze is right..."

The group eyes widen, a dark dragon with an innocent and sweet girl? But then Carter said nothing until finally after alittle moment he spoked, "Linvar...if what you and Kaze said is true...then you two will be. Partners." However, he couldn't believe his eyes that a small hamster turned out to be a very big dragon!

"What!?! Doesn't that make me alone wolf?" Lax shouted. "Who's going to be partner with me!?!" He shouted at Carter. He raised his hand silencing him.

"I'll think of something."

Linvar smiled wanting so bad to hug Carter but immediately hugged Kaze instead. "Thank you..."

" problem." Kaze smiled back.

"Anyways, the assignments you'll be doing today will be recorded to you and your partner, and please sign in the as the new demon hunter." He annouced to Kaze, the black and white dragon nodded.

A human andriod then appeared the scene handing out forms to everyone but, one to Linvar. As Linvar opened her folders, her eyes nearly popped out. "Um Mister Carter?"


"I did..the giant spiders before..." Linvar tried to give the assigned folders to the robot but, she completely refused.

"Well it never hurts to try again right?" The man smiled at her.

"I guess..." Linvar shuddered.

"Don't worry I will protect you!" Kaze added having his hands on her shoulders. "Those spiders will never know who they're messing with!"

"Indeed..." She said weakly.
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Messages In This Thread
Legendz: Valkyrie Linvar and Guardian Kaz - by tigerlily - 03-04-2009, 08:48 AM