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Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's!
Moonlight saw the large gallons of water coming straight at her, she then jumped at the tree and then run across her as almost as it was supporting her balance. "Quick attack!" She then aimmed her body against his chest."


Tigermew blushed as she saw those muscular body of those. "I-i see...well do you have any suggestions? I'm no fighter, I hate fights!" pouted the mew.


"Of course! You....wouldn't mind being mates with me would you?" The lopunny shyly sit right next to him, her large chest just bounced as she promptly sat next of Chad. "It's not like I wanted you, but that's your choice." She fiddled her fingers blushing slightly.

"What was that noise?" The huge red bug proclaimed as he looked around until he noticed the swampert is acting rather...strange. "Ooookaaayyy....perhaps she know's where that tigermew is..." he thought going flying at her. "S'cuse me do you know where a um...pok'emon that goes by the name Mew?"
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RE: Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's! - by tigerlily - 02-24-2009, 08:50 AM