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Hiroki & Satio's Babies (Tank Cop & Nekomon)
Hiroki closed her eyes and looked away from Ruki, a vein throbbing in he forehead as she grabbed her left wrist with her right hand. She began taking quick and very shallow breaths, her eye becoming a frigidly, icy blue-grey. She speak in a calm tone with an angry edge to it." Bitch..." She trails off as if comprehending just what the word could mean." Bitch? HA!" She repeated slightly louder with a laugh, the angry edge in her voice becoming more pronounced. There was a twitched then Hiroki did a perfect imitation of an erupting volcano. She quickly turned around to face Ruki with piercing glare that would chill Myotismon to the core. She was visibly shaking with hurt and anger, and her voice showed that she was barely keeping it under control." A bitch, huh? Is that what you think I am?" Hiroki stopped and shook her head. That's when it just be came too much for her and she did a perfect imitation of a volcano erupting." YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU SAY?!?! HOW COULD YOU EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS, HUH?!?!?!?!?!? HOW THE HELL COULD YOU EVER KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS FOR ME, DAY IN AND DAY OUT CONSTANT NIGHTMARES AND FLASHBACKS, NOT TO MENTION MY FAMILY BEING SPLIT UP." Hiroki was seething now, breathing very heavily, there was almost a hiss due to how hard she was breathing.

Saito got really mad when Ruki said what she did about Hiroki but he also got scared, scared of what it would do to Hiroki and in turn cause her to do. He looked at his twin sister, keeping a especially careful attention on her eyes for any signs of her emotions, as he heard her breathing he began to become worried, but when he saw her eye go frigid it made his blood run cold. When Hiroki started repeating Ruki all he could do was sit and watch, hoping that nothing would happen, but the she shot Ruki a glare and he began to worry for the digimon queen. He could litterally feel the emotion coming off of her in waves and when she started shaking her head he just put his head down, knowing all hell was about to break loose. He stayed that way until she finished with her explosion and the room fell silent.

[Image: 2vbkgfm.jpg]
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RE: Hiroki & Satio's Babies (Tank Cop & Nekomon) - by nekomon - 02-20-2009, 04:09 PM