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Operation: Hyper-Space Frontier (A sci-fi action RPG)
"AARGH!!!" Marle shrieked, as she literally hopped out of the tube, bumping into Brandon, before falling on her butt. "X_X what was that for..?!" she muttered, as she picked at her ear, trying to get the saliva out of her ear.

Jesse made her war towards the others, a bottle of meds in hr hand designed specifically for the nausea, and after-effects of cryostasis. She handed those who didn't seem to be faring well a pill. Once she finished her cycle, she headed back to the locker rooms, and pulled out a set of key cards, before making her way through the ship, unti she found the medlab. She stepped into the lab, and was hit by a wall of ice-cold air. "Yeesh!!" she shrieked, as she hopped back out, holding her arms. "urk! someone fix the temp in the med-lab? it's freezing in there." she hollared back out towards the cryo-room.

Inzy sighed, as she headed to her locker, pulled out her tool-kit, and headed over towards the med-lab, popping open one of the panels next to the door, before she fiddled wit it for a moment. A quick snap, and alow hum was heard inside the med-lab. "There ya go!" the gothic girl smiled, before heading back towards the cryo-room.

Jesse only had enough time to offer a feeble goodbye, and thank you, before Inzy trotted off, and she was left alone. Nonetheless, Jesse stepped back into the medical bay.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hyper-Space Frontier - by Bee - 02-11-2009, 03:12 PM
RE: Hyper-Space Frontier - by Altima - 02-12-2009, 04:01 AM
RE: Operation: Hyper-Space Frontier (A sci-fi action RPG) - by Altima - 02-20-2009, 06:19 AM