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Operation: Hyper-Space Frontier (A sci-fi action RPG)
All right... we waited long enough... and since there aren't many female characters...

Name: Inzy MacIntire
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: bi-curious
Species: human/bat
Job: surveillance/tech engineer
Description: Inzy has several piercings, one in her naval, one in her nose, one in her eyebrow, and several pairs in her ears. She tends to wear a more gothic attire, than the biosuit that the company includes with her mission. She also has a wild hairstyle, sporting various colors, such as black, red, purple. She has a rather slender build, and though it isn't visible through ehr clothes, she has several scars and cuts aling her front, and back, thanks to her sadism fetish.

As a bat, her height barely increases, and she has a deep purple colored fur.

Enhanced bio-power: supersonic/high frequency pitches. She can scream "loudly", able to stun, or deafen anything with ears, on her choosing, whenever she screams.
Other: she's very gothish in appearance, though she's actually very social. she also has a bondage/sadism fetish. She's also a voyeur, always trying to sneak peaks at anyone,whenever she can, and being a security personel for surveillance on occasion does not help.
Measurements: C-cup

Name: Marle Carpine
Age: 14
Gender: Female/ herm(once she's a furry)
Orientation: straight as a female, though as a furry, she'll be a bit more bi-curious
Species: human/Foxagon(part fox, part dragon
Job: mechanic
Description: as a human, she's young, and still developing, though she does have quite a large bust. She usually wears dirty clothes, as she constantly plays, and fiddles wth electronics, and mechanical objects.

As a foxagon, she has red scales, fur on her chest, and pubic area, as well as a ridge of fur going form the base of ehr neck, to the tip of ehr tail.
Enhanced bio-power: Technokinesis. She has the power to control mahcines with ehr mind.
Other: Cowboy managed to get her onto this mission, because of ehr experience, and savvy with machines. She reffers to him as Uncle, though they do not share any lineage.
Measurements: D-cup, herm= 6" by 1.5" by 3" knot(thanks to her being part fox)

Name: Jesse
Age: 21
Gender: female
Orientation: straight
Species: bovine
Job: medical officer
Description: She has straw-colored hair, and is very busty, having DD-cups. She does have a little pudge to her, but not in an unnattractive way. She has a bell necklace she likes to wear, given to ehr by her grandfather, who used to work at a farm.

As a cow, she has an extra pair of breasts, with eahc pair able to lactate. She also has a butter-milk fur-color, with white spots.
Enhanced bio-power: Gravity control. She can control the gravity of ehrself, and others within 50 feet of her. In other words, she can choose to change the gravity so she falls upwards, therefore able to walk upside down, or even possibly on the walls.
Other: She is a very friendly person, and tends to give a LOt of hugs... which means many will get smothered between her giant jugs of "death"
Measurements: DD cups, 2 pairs. occasionally, whenever she doesn't lactate enough, they CAN grow to E

All right... I'll start...

all was silent onbaord the interstellar spacecraft. Nothing stirred, save for the life-support system, which was recycling te oxygen, as well as balancing the temperature among the ship, as it drifted through the open cosmos. A computer screen blinked repeatedly, bright neon symbols flashing on and off, as a countdown was activated. the time said 0:00:00:00:00:10 and continued downwards form there. after 10, silent seconds, the computer beeped, before lights all across the control panel flickered to life. Just as suddenly, a motor deep within the metal walls of the ship hummed t life, as various lights all across the ship turned on after years of no use. Within the cryo-sleep chamber, a loud hiss errupted, as a light bit of smoke exhaled from the multiple tubes inside the room. Slowly, the tubes opened, revealing their contents: many people still in cryostasis, in the process of waking.

after several seconds, a hand emerged from one of the tubes, as a slender female poked her head out, blinking away sleepily, as she yawned. she cricked her neck a little, as she half-stumbled, half-crawled out of the tube. "dh-.... damn tubes..." she grumbled, as she remained on the floor, too weak-limbed to move.

Another female poked her head out sleepily, though she stretched, as the fabric of her biosuit stretched tightly across her ample breasts, threatening to rip. she remained quiet, as she remained in place, merely taking in her surroundings.

Within another tube, yet another female, this one a mere child cooed in her sleep, the effects of the cryostasis still working in her sleep.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hyper-Space Frontier - by Bee - 02-11-2009, 03:12 PM
RE: Hyper-Space Frontier - by Altima - 02-12-2009, 04:01 AM
RE: Operation: Hyper-Space Frontier (A sci-fi action RPG) - by Altima - 02-18-2009, 02:06 PM