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Operation: Hyper-Space Frontier (A sci-fi action RPG)
Space has been one of the greatest frontiers man has ever tried to uncover. Many have said it would be the last frontier. As humankind became more advance, they were able to create ships with enough power and speed to soon travel to other solar systems. Soon enough, mankind had proved that an extraterrestrial race of beings existed by the location of various archaeological finds on other planets outside of the solar system.

In a desperate attempt to uncover the truth about these finds, and to find out what happened to these beings, mankind began to study deeply these ancient artifacts. Upon many of these artifacts a type of hieroglyphics were discovered, with rather odd-shaped human-beings, many of them with animal-like characteristics.

decades into studying these ancient symbols, humankind soon uncovered a new find: deep underground on those other planets, there lay a strange communications room of sort. Not long after the discovery of this room, did satellites begin to pick up a signal, a type of SOS deep into space, farther than mankind had ever gone.

The interplanetary alliance decided that they would send a group of scientists, navigators, and soldiers on one grand ship, in order to discover what happened out there. Several volunteers were selected for this mission, and were gathered together, before placed into hyperbolic cryosleep.

10 years later, that group of volunteers finally awaken. They are nearing their destination,as phase one of the mission begins, discovery, and navigation, as well as start-mapping the entire route.

(/end intro)

All righty, basically, for starters, we are all humans, but once we arrive at the destination of the RP, we will become... duh duh DUUUUUH enhanced furries!

So, for now, just fill out the form as normal, but pretend we're all humans, for now.

the spaceship:

Orientation: (optional)
Species: (this part ignore until we arrive at our destination)
Job: (have free reign over this, but PLEASe keep it to soemthing that'd be possible in a slightly small space-craft... if some sci-fi genious could help me out ehre, I'm thinking of soemthing that a crew of 20 could handle.)
Description: (both human, and furry, but again, ignore the furry part for now)
Enhanced bio-power: (as a furry, you will have an enhanced bio-power, somehting similar to X-men, s you cna have metal claws, magnetism, telekinesis, or any other power. Please, no god-modding)
Other: (whatever else doesn't fit the description)
Measurements: (optional, since not everyone has to have sex....)

all right, that's about it for now... no limit to characters, feel free to ask any questions.

EDIT: no more mechanics, and engineer characters... we have too many, so please choose a different job.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Operation: Hyper-Space Frontier (A sci-fi action RPG) - by Altima - 02-11-2009, 02:59 PM
RE: Hyper-Space Frontier - by Bee - 02-11-2009, 03:12 PM
RE: Hyper-Space Frontier - by Altima - 02-12-2009, 04:01 AM