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"I want a pet!" (pet-keeping/taming RP)
OOC: yeah, i'll do that then...


A young man pulled up in front of the store. He exited his vehicle, a hand-me-down-of-a-hand-me-down that his entire family used, untl he finally earned his drivers license. The car was a good car, still working, and able to get him wherever he wanted without ever showing any signs of trouble. He locked the car, and entered the store, and began browsing. A couple months ago, it was is birthday, and the last gift his parents would give him was his own pet. Of course, he was able to go out and pick it himself, and he'd have to buy everything, but his parents would "Reimburse" him. "All right... what would be a cool, exotic pet..." he said to himself, as he stared at all the whining puppies and cats that meweled and whimpered whenever he neared the glass. Finally, after searching the store for half an hour he walked up to the cashier, and asked him if he had any exotic pets or something. The man nodded, and took him behind the counter, and the first thing Danny saw were fairly large cages, with humans... no wait, they look like humans... "What are they?" he asked, as he neared the cages.

Rax heard Danny, and jumped to the bars, "Hey bud... get me outta here, please!" he pleaded, putting on an innocent face, hoping that whoever that guy was, he had some decency to set him free.

"They can talk?" Danny asked, turning to the owner. The owner nodded, and Rax continued to jabber away. Danny sniffed something, and he turned towards Rax. "what's that- oh.. god... that's just sick..." he muttered, as he stared at Rax's blue-white fur stained yellow, the source of the smell.

Danny continued on, until he stopped in front of Katt's cage. "Cool... she looks like a cat! I like cats. I'll take her!" Danny said, turning to the owner. They made the transaction quietly, and then the owner opened the cage, and stepped back, as Danny stepped forward. "C'mere, cutie!" Danny said, opening his arms wide with a smile, trying to sound cute.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: "I want a pet!" (pet-keeping/taming RP) - by Altima - 01-07-2009, 05:30 AM