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"I want a pet!" (pet-keeping/taming RP)
OOC: sure? I mean, you do have a lot on your plate, at the moment... and guys, slow down, Shadowknight hasn't posted in a while....


"This is bullshit!" Rax cursed, hours later. "What the hell are we supposed to do about using the rest room?" he muttered, as he paced what he could of his small cage. damnit... I need to go BADLY he thought. Just as soon as he said it, a man walked into the room, with a box, 1 foot wide, by 2 feet long, stopped in front of his cage, grabbed a bag form elsewhere, and poured the contents into the box. Turns out, it was kitty litter, as he opened the cage, and slid the box near the entrance.

Rax smiled as he rushed the man, but just as soon as he moved within 2 feet of the guy, the guy pulled a control form a pocket, hit a button, and rax collapsed, scratching the collar at his neck, as it shocked him once more. After a moment, Rax stopped spasming long enough, to sit up, and examine the kitty litter, until he smelled something foul. "Damnit..." he muttered, as he looked all over his lap, belly, and around his waist. The sock had caused his bladder to relax, as he peed himself.

The man laughed, as he finished placing a box in Ishanas cage, while Ishana stood clear on the other side, smarter than Rax to attempt an escape."Well, that answers your question, huh?" Ishana smiled, as the man left the two in peace.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: "I want a pet!" (pet-keeping/taming RP) - by Altima - 01-06-2009, 02:17 PM