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Auidar Remana RPG
In the world of Auidar there are 8 races. These 8 races would form the octagon trade, a forever peace keeping treaty that would finally settle the War of No Lives. Almost every race has been completely wiped out, except the Drow, whom are not participating in the war and has been growing rapidly. They invented a new kind of weapon called the Flare Cylinder, it lets out a burst of smoke and spears someone through. They are planning a mass production on this dangerous weapon and are either planning to destory everyone else, or simply keep their peace as they have done for so many centuries. It's your job to go in and find out what they're doing, hold peace talks, and hopefully get them to sign the Octagon Trade. Do not fail, you are the only hope.
This is a battle rpg conducted in the same way as most final fantasy games, if you haven't played them or do not know their battle system, you either live under a rock or are a secret alien, either way I will explain how it works in the battle section.
1. No cussing unless in game
2. No omnificient knowledge (knowing everything before/ as it happens)
3. Your own race must be checked in with me.
4. You must say Shoop-Da-Woop at the end of your post.
5. If you die, wait to be revived, you will be PM'ed when you are.
6. 1 playable character per person, if not enough people join (less than 4) you may have 2 playable haracters.
7. You may have up to 2 other non-playable characters.
8. Have fun, be a good sport if you die ^.^
If you have no been under a rock for all your life, skip this you alreayd know it.
1. You have 4 options during battle, you choose from one...
ATTACK (strike your foe with your weapon, not suggested for mages)
DEFEND (changes depending on class)
SKILLS (use your spells and skills to devastate enemies at the cost of MP)
ITEMS (can equip items during battle here)
2. After choosing one of these you will also be taking damage, player phase goes first so if you kill an enemy, you'll be saving your team from another attack.
3. Leveling Up: I will keep trakc of ALL EXP gained, that means ALL, you don't even have to worry, just know when it happens you are eligible for a new moving depending on your class.
4. Equipment: Your equipment is very big in this game, no equipment no win, keep this in mind.
5. Death: If you are still dead at the end of a fight, you do not gain EXP and come back with 1 hp.
6. Class Upgrades: Eventually you'll reach a point in your killing career you may purchase a class up, these are upgraded forms of the classes, weaker classes tend to have better class ups. Class Ups are gotten at: 10, 50, and 99.
7. Party Leader: Once everyone has signed up, I will start a poll for you to choose your paty leader, after getting who the party leader is, I will erase the poll.
Human: An arrogant, fast growing race, best at defensive classes
P.ATK: +1, M.ATK: +1, P.DEF: +3, M.DEF: +3
Drakenkin: Dragon race, haughty and powerful, best with warrior classes
P.ATK: +4 M.ATK: +1, P.DEF: +2, M.DEF: +1
Elf: Tall humanoids, intellegent to an annoying extent, Good with mage classes
P.ATK: +1, M.ATK: +4, P.DEF: +1, M.DEF: +2
Dwarf: Short humanoids, drunk to an annoying extent, best with offensive classes
P.ATK: +6, M.ATK: +0, P.DEF: +2, M.DEF: +0
Animalkin: Random animals are given birth in this race, there are several sub races, good with any class.
P.ATK: +2, M.ATK: +2, P.DEF: +2, M.DEF: +2
Drow: Dark elves, very seclusive, very odd. Only one who can be the "Gunner" class, best with long ranged classes.
P.ATK: +5, M.ATK: +0, P.DEF: +0, M.DEF: +1
Freain: A frosty race, made mostly of ice and all their weapons are made of AlFrost, never melting ice that can be refined to be as sharp as possible.
P.ATK: +2, M.ATK: +3, P.DEF: +1 M.DEF: +2
Giant: Huge titans nearly impossible to take down alone
P.ATK: +3, M.ATK: +0, P.DEF: +5, M.DEF: +0

NOTE: hoose any class you want, these only affect the starting stats, if you choose AnimalKin in yorur post you must also include what anthro you are.
Warrior- Can use his weapon to the fullest extent, can eventually morph his weapon into a stornger advesary. Level: 3
Arcane Magus- Can use arcane spells to devastate the foes in multiples, good at stirking everyone. Level: 2
Light Follower- Can heal the party for HP, a party pillar Level: 2
Dragoon- Can use drgaon-based attacks and very powerful, strongest of the warriors Level: 4
Guardian- Most defensive class, can guard his entire party of otherwise devastating attacks Level: 4
Paladin- Can bless his blade and heal others, a party pillar Level: 3
Arch Knight- Can endow blades with arcane magic and take out a large group of foes at his own HP's expense. Level: 3
Conjurer- Summons ethereal spirits to aid in battle, these spirits are gained from side quests. Level: 3
Enchanter- Can enchant blades with magic of both dark and light, can only use light armor however Level: 2
Warlock- Uses gravity to take down a single enemy's health by a lot Level: 3
Priest of the Moon- Can heal a single ally by a lot of HP, however cannot target many allies Level: 3
Infinity Knight- Can give himself or others extra turns, the fastest warrior class and can use time magic Level: 5
Thief- Steals from the foe, all armies hate this class the most, it really does destroy economy. Level: 2
Jester- Works on tickling the allies funny bones and devastating the enemy, a very odd class, takes skill to use Level: 1
Geomancer- Controls the earth to give allies an advantage Level: 4
Archer- Main Ranged class Level: 3
Needler- The fastest ranged class, a needle master Level: 2
Bard- Ups the party's stats to maximize effectiveness, and lowers the enemy's stats. Level: 1
Void Knight- A knight using arcane magic to max out speed, not very powerful and low defense. Level: 1
Gunner: Uses Flare Cylinders, the most powerful ranged class. Level: 5

Level describes the classes power.
Posting Your Person
Name: Example1
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman
Gender: Female, Male
Age: 4-99
Weapon: (Depends on class, discuss with me what type you want and tell me your class, we'll work something out)
Description: Description or picture or both.

This is the true thread, if you have something to say please say in OOC. Also, please PM me the leader decision A.S.A.P.
Any joiners may do so, we can tlak it over and work into the story, anyways this is where the story starts.

Holy City, Grentha

You see a fire in the near village, the village you had passed naught but half an hour ago, a vicious battle had taken place, and squads of three had been dispatched from the castle to this village, by the time you arrived Aries was lost, it had been taken control of and burnt to the ground, there was no men to rescue, no lives to save. The Dwarves have envaded, even so close to the peace, they refuse to allow the treaty to exist without the drows. Currently the only enemies are the Giants, the Dwarves, Drakenkin, and the Animalkin is far to spread. The Drows have yet to go for or against peace. The Giants are far to dumb, they need to be defeated in order to acquire their alliance, however the new weapons are the only chance humans have to do this without great losses, and the Drakenkin are no different. You are now arriving to the metting of all new recruits, all recruits are put into groups of three and forced to take a test, should they fail it they enter into the Alliance Army, should they succeed, they are promoted to the Alliance Ops, where only the brightest minds and strongest humans come.
You feel a shaking as you keep moving inside the transport train, next thing you know you're on your back, the train on it's side, and raiders coming through.

-=Mission Objectives=-
1) Defeat all foes in your way.
2) Regroup with other members.
3) Survive to the control room.
-=Side Objectives=-
1) Secure the fuel room.
2) Rescue the conductor.
3) Kill the leader.

There are guards on either side of your specific cart, here is the map.

1) ???
2) Kristoph
3) Izius
G) Guard
|0|) Door
=) Wall
|) Wall
/) Passage

Messages In This Thread
Auidar Remana RPG - by MagusKnight - 01-03-2009, 07:40 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by PsionicMaster - 01-03-2009, 04:51 PM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by Bee - 01-03-2009, 06:01 PM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by Mai - 01-04-2009, 12:27 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by MagusKnight - 01-04-2009, 01:49 PM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by Bee - 01-04-2009, 02:14 PM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by MagusKnight - 01-04-2009, 02:15 PM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by PsionicMaster - 01-06-2009, 10:54 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by MagusKnight - 01-07-2009, 10:18 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by Bee - 01-07-2009, 11:35 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by PsionicMaster - 01-12-2009, 01:55 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by MagusKnight - 01-12-2009, 02:08 AM
RE: Auidar Remana RPG - by MagusKnight - 02-08-2009, 03:41 AM