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Eternal Lecherous Calamity - MK. XII - Chapter 47 - Verse 8: Altima/Ray
This RP is between an immovable structure and an unstoppable force. Anyone else who happens to stray within the borders of this RP will be collateral damage and will suffer death by the sodomy of every hole in one's body. That includes the pores. If that's your kinda thing, then stick around anyway! Have you ever seen a man eat his own head and anally pleasure himself with it whilst he excreted it as waste matter? Neither have we! But we find the prospect of that highly arousing and erotic, and may be among the many beautifully disturbing scenes you may chance upon here.


1 ) The board rules apply here.

2 ) No Godmodding unless you actually ARE God. (I don't have a God complex, I AM GOD!!)

3 ) No powerplay. This includes the direction or acceptance of a sperm cell in an egg cell.


5 ) ???

6 ) Profit


Name: [Your character's name here]
Age: [Age is irrelevant when you're an insufferable lecher, but put it here!]
Gender: [Male, Female, Herm, Dickgirl, Cuntboy, Omnigender, I does nut ker.]
Race: [Race or Specie. Elf? Anthropomorphic Animal (What kind)? Alien?
Appearance: [Picture or a Written Description. Include sexual measurements here please.]
Powers and Abilities: [If your character has special properties, abilities, skills or powers, list them here. They can be supportive, offensive, defensive, passive, active, or even sexual. Go nuts, but be reasonable!]
Other: [Anything else you'd like us to know about your character that you may not have already mentioned. Say... personality, likes and dislikes, etc. Even a back story that you've worked so hard on!]
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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Messages In This Thread
Eternal Lecherous Calamity - MK. XII - Chapter 47 - Verse 8: Altima/Ray - by Frisk E. Coyote - 01-01-2009, 10:54 AM